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一年一个新年节,一人一个新年梦。Everyone have a dream of happy new year.

年节更是民众娱乐狂欢的节日。The festival is the populace entertainment festival.

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这就是最好的信心,使年节销售。This is the best way to exude confidence and make sales.

在年夜年节晚上,所有的家庭成员聚积在一路到饭馆美美吃了一顿。On New Year's Eve, all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant.

民间喜在年节喜庆时做成八河北有哪些特产宝饭食用。Folk happy when lunar new year's season jubilation makes the eight-treasure rice pudding edible.

当地媒体报导,侗年节是为了庆祝丰收。The festival was held by the Dong people to celebrate the harvest, according to the local media.

年画是民间在年节之际迎新祈福的一种艺术样式,为中国所独有。As a unique ancient form of folk art in China, New Year Picture stands for New Year's coming and good fortune.

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讲究“礼尚往来”是中华传统,这种消费心理到了年节尤其突出。About "reciprocity" is a Chinese tradition, the consumption psychology, in particular to highlight the New Year.

年节拜拜必备并能为你丰隆财库,活络财源,可造运喔。New Year to pray for you must have and can Leong treasury, reviving the financial resources. And can cause Yun Oh.

门口通常会贴上春联做为装饰,那是洋溢年节气氛的红色纸条,上面写着新年贺词。Doorways are often decorated with "spring couplets, " which are festive red banners that bear wishes for the New Year.

春节是中华民族最为盛大的综合性民间节日,民间关于“年节”的传说尤为丰富。Spring Festival is the most glorious day for Chinese. There are a great number of legends about Spring Festival in the folk.

作为文化心理或文化潜意识的民俗信仰,与村民的年节生活有一种深层联系。Folk customs and beliefs, as cultural psychology and cultural sub-consciousness, have deep relations with villagers' festival life.

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饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统特色食品,又称水饺,是中国北方民间的主食和地方小吃,也是北方的年节食品。Dumpling is deeply loves the traditional Chinese food, also called the dumplings, northern China folk staple food and local snacks, and food festival.

年节习俗对神灵和祖先的仪式是重复的过程,这种记忆一直延续到现在,一脉相承。The worship ritual towards the Holy Spirit and the ancestors in festival customs is a process of repetition, and this memory has continued up to date.

1月10日,在中国贵州省榕江县的侗族少数族群,观赏斗水牛以庆祝侗年节。People watch fighting buffalos during the Dongnian Festival for the Dong ethnic minority group in Rongjiang county, Guizhou province, January 10, 2008.

在取材上,除以市井生活、年节时令、地方旧俗为源泉外,还相对注重创作者心绪的细腻展现。Based on in, divided by urban life, New Year season, as the source of the local old customs, but also the relative emphasis on the delicate mind creators show.

信仰纸为民间年节拜神祭祖时用品,主要由小型竹浆纸厂产制。Joss paper is used in Chinese ceremonial occasions to honor gods or ancestors. It is produced by numerous small paper mills using bamboo as a major raw material.

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越南民间传统财神信仰及相关年节禁忌习俗直接因袭于中国民间的“求如愿”故事及由此引发的汉族求财仪式。The traditional God of Wealth worship and the related festival taboos in Vietnam originated in the Chinese folktale of Ruyuan and the later Rite of Praying for Wealth.

各少数民族自由地按本民族的传统习惯欢度节日,国家按照各少数民族年节习惯安排假日,并供应节日特殊食品。The various ethnic minority groups in China are free to celebrate their own traditional festivals, and the state gives them holidays and supplies special food for the holidays.

从每扇窗子透出的亮光和飘出的烤鹅肉香味,使她想起的只是今天是大年节之夜。Lights were shining from every window, monster beats, and there was a savory smell of roast goose, for it was New-year's eve- yes, ray ban lunettes de soleil, she remembered that.