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那头蓝鲸体形硕大。The blue whale is ginormous.

蓝鲸是须鲸中最大的一种。Blue Whale is the biggest in Minke whales.

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过去人们常常为了鲸肉和鲸油杀害蓝鲸。Now nobody is allowed to kill the blue whales.

例如,请听1964年的蓝鲸之歌。For example listen to this blue whale song from the year 1964.

我们很遗憾没能见到4172号——那头白色的雄性蓝鲸。We were sorry not to have glimpsed whale 4172, the white bull.

蓝鲸发出的口哨声是动物界能发出最大的声音。The blue whale's whistle is the loudest noise made by an animal.

我们第一次看到蓝鲸排便,是一头一岁左右,约15米长的小鲸干的。The first defecation we saw was in a yearling, a little 50-footer.

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即使是蓝鲸宝宝,相较之下也能让一名成年人看起来给小鲤鱼一样。Even as a baby, a blue whale can make a grown man look like a minnow.

有一尾蓝鲸淡定地、不徐不疾地在离长岛沿岸60英里的水面游过。One blue whale swam steadily past Long Island about 60 miles from the shore.

这部分人口可能使蓝鲸,以重建其劳动力。It is this population that may allow the blue whale to rebuild its workforce.

研究发现,被晒伤的鲸鱼越来越多,而蓝鲸在这方面情况似乎是最糟的。The increase in sunburn appears to be worst for blue whales, the study found.

在被猎杀数十年后,蓝鲸终于在1966年受到了保护。After decades of being hunted, the whales finally received protection in 1966.

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我们看到一只巨大的东方蓝鲸摆动着尾巴,围着锅炉转悠。We spot a massive eastern blue groper wagging its tail and circling the boiler.

蓝鲸背脊呈浅蓝色,肚皮布满褶皱,带有赭石色黄斑。Blue Whale my back was light blue, belly full of folds, with ocher color macula.

但是正如南乔治亚的阳光总是和冰风暴接踵而至一般,罐装蓝鲸油也不会经久不衰。But just as sun follows sleet in South Geor­gia, so it is with the oil-tank blues.

潘兴说,一头蓝鲸体重达90吨,其组织中可储存9吨碳。A blue whale has a biomass of 90 tons, with 9 tons of carbon stored in its tissues.

其它的须鲸有蓝鲸、鳍鲸、灰鲸、驼背鲸、鳕鲸和鲸。Other baleen whales are the blue, fin, gray, humpback, and sei whales and the rorqual.

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但是它们的数量恢复的很慢,如今蓝鲸任然就处于濒危的境地。But their populations have been slow to recover, and the blue whale is still endangered.

成年的蓝鲸则是能轻易长到一个城市巴士那么长,重达将近200吨。As an adult, it can easily stretch to the length of a city bus and weigh close to 200 tons.

在贸易捕鲸时期之前,曾经稀有十万头蓝鲸糊口在海洋傍边。Before the commercial hunting era, there would have been hundreds of thousands in the oceans.