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静水流深.Still water run deep.

水流湍急。The current is swift.

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大智若愚。静水流深。Still water runs deep.

水流平缓。The water flows gently.

我只是在踏着水流。I’m just treading water.

雨水流掉了。The rainwater drained away.

汗水流到她的眼睛里。Sweat dripped into her eyes.

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强大的水流淹没了他。The wall of water drowns him.

我为了似水流年而流泪。I weep for the drifting years.

水流得很冲。The water flows with great force.

水流将我们漂走。The current was drifting us along.

静水流深,岁月悠长。Still waters run deep, long, years.

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装个超低水流的莲蓬头吧。Install an ultra-low-flow shower head.

好几股水流从管子里喷出来。Gushes of water sprayed out of the pipe.

江水流到湖中。One of the rivers flowing into the lake.

寺区林荫蔽日,水流潺潺。Temple area lined Biri, water Chan Chan.

昆都仑河无水流。The Kundulun River has no water flowing.

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如歌岁月,似水流年。If song year, years rolling like a stream.

险急的水流能把游泳的人吞没。Dangerous currents can suck swimmers under.

水流冲击是元素使法杖技能。Water Blast is an elementalist staff skill.