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在一家酒吧的殴斗中被刺杀。Stabbed in a bar fight.

完成所有刺杀精通任务。Complete all Acharn Legend Missions.

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执行塔里克空气刺杀。Perform an Air Assassination on Tarik.

史佛萨的刺杀行动只是个开端。Sforza s assassination is just the beginning.

投手在他偷回本垒时将他刺杀出局。The pitcher tagged him out on a steal of home.

有个刺杀领导人的老谋深算的密谋。There was a deep plot to assassinate the leader.

刺杀时过晕也是起因。Also caused by excessive stunning to sticking time.

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这起刺杀企图对东帝汶来说是一记巨大打击。The assassination attempt is a massive blow to East Timor.

谁于1865年被刺杀于华盛顿的福特剧院?Who was shot at Ford's Theater, Washington, D. C. in 1865?

所以在攻击的时候,必须得刺杀敌人You had to stick somebody with this hoplite phalanx sword.

刺杀总统的是职业杀手。These were professional killers who 'did in' the president.

刺杀事件使得大选的形势发生了陡变。The assassination gave rise to a sudden change in the election.

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矛是一种具有长柄的刺杀兵器。The spear is one kind has the long handle's assassination weapon.

而这一阶段连续刺杀日本人的义举,就是她所为。This stage of continuous Japanese assassination act, is what she is.

他指责波卡涅拉策划绑架阿米莉亚和试图刺杀他。He accuses Boccanegra of plotting the abduction and tries to stab him.

卡尔扎伊则表示这一刺杀事件表明和平的努力是徒劳无功的。Karzai has cited the killing as a reason why peace efforts are futile.

这件事情发生在“每日大事”报道刺杀事件之后。The incident began after a stabbing was reported at the all-day event.

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比如,在1968年,我经历了肯尼迪刺杀事件。For example, at 68, I lived though the assination of President Kennedy.

即使是马特·德拉吉,也没有刺杀本·拉登和推翻穆巴拉克的能耐,何况Twitter与Facebook乎?Then again, Matt Drudge didn’t kill Osama and bring down Mubarak, did he?

李哈维奥斯瓦德为刺杀疑犯被捕。Lee Harvey Oswald, suspected of assassinating the president, was arrested.