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他抚摩着我的脸颊。He stroked my cheek.

它喜欢有人抚摩它。It liked to be stroked.

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她抚摩着猫的柔毛。She stroked the cat's fur.

你对我的抚摩,化为爱的颤动。You touched me and tingled into love.

老农抚摩着起皱纹的脸。The peasant is palming his wrinkled face.

老农抚摩着自己满是皱纹的脸。The peasant is palming his wrinkled face.

抚摩小狗狗之后,要洗手哦。Wash your hands after you pet your puppy.

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他的手指抚摩着她的脖颈。His fingers caressed the back of her neck.

他抑制住自己想要抚摩她的强烈冲动。He forced back the strong urge to stroke her.

卡罗琳娜要我一直地抱她、抚摩她。Dasey asked me to keep holding her and stroking her.

她抚摩它的头和脖子,它就舔她的手。She petted his head 'and neck, and he licked her hand.

烟一下呛住了开打趣的抚摩者。The smoke afraid the badinage stroker at one achievement.

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轻柔的抚摩对于人工抚育的幼犬是很有好处的。Gentle body massage is also beneficial for any hand-reared puppy.

男人抚摩着她的秀发,说她一定会喜欢他所在的城市的。He smoothes her hair and tells her she is going to love his city.

她一边轻轻抚摩着她的爱犬,一边欣赏着电视节目。While stroking her little dog softly, she watched the television.

他把手伸过马的前腿,抚摩它柔滑的皮毛。He passed his hand down the horse's forelegs and stroked its sleek coat.

对于女性来说,拥抱、搂抱、抚摩才能感受到爱意。In order for a woman to feel loved, she needs to be held, cuddled and caressed.

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麦克朝杰西卡慢慢地走去,俯下头颈让杰西卡抚摩。Mac walked slowly toward Jessika and put his head way down so she could pet him.

她伸出手轻轻笑着抚摩着伊丽诺的头发,仿佛那是生命中的灵丹妙药一样。She reaches out, touches Eleanor's hair like it is some elixir of life, and smiles.

在一个新主意形成之前,他会用食指来抚摩额头。Before the formation of a new idea, he would touch his forehead with his forefinger.