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她看见他跌下惊恐万状。To her horror, she saw him fall.

他的哥哥遭到抢劫,惊恐万状。His brother was alarmed at the robbery.

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这表明他们惊恐万状。This shows they are scared and terror-stricken.

人们惊恐万状,尖叫着奔向出口。People ran for the exits, screaming out in terror.

其他的学生们又一次惊恐万状起来。The other students kept being horrified all over again.

他看见尸体时惊恐万状。He was filled with astonishment at seeing the dead body.

但近来,随着惊恐万状的投资者对交易退避三舍,信贷市场也陷入了困境。But lately, credit markets have been hobbled as fearful investors back away from trading.

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与南方宿敌阿兹台克不同,面对新出现的骑兵,奇奇梅克军队并未惊恐万状。Unlike the hated Aztecs to the south, the Chichimeca have never viewed horses with terror.

我站在那里,惊恐万状,因为掉下的煤块击中了我,不久焦炭就把我的脚踝骨出淹没了。I stood there, frightened, as the lumps came down and hit me and soon I was up to my ankles in coke.

这种情景对我来说,非常奇怪,于是,我大吼一声,小人们惊恐万状,四处逃窜。The sight was so strange to me that I gave a great shout, and the small people ran off in great fear.

Rewa'a说Ola仍然害怕去车站,“那孩子现在时常惊恐万状。Rewa'a says that Ola is still frightened to go to the bus stop, and "the children are always fighting now.

我会坐在卷缩成湿泥土中,惊恐万状,因为欢呼的子弹和迫击炮坠毁下来在我身边。I would sit huddled into the wet mud, terrified , as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me.

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此时此刻的汤姆对这种等同“迫害”的治疗已经麻木不仁,老太太对此惊恐万状。Tom had become indifferent to persecution by this time. This phase filled the old lady's heart with consternation.

当我冲向座位时,乘客们惊恐万状的抬头望着我,那是意识到自己即将死去的表情。As I rushed toward my seat passengers looked up at me with the nervous expressions of creatures who know they are about to die.

其中一部分,可能来自意大利和希腊那些惊恐万状的储户。Some of the flows into Switzerland may be coming from alarmed Italian and Greek depositors. As Simon Derrick of BNY Mellon comments

虽然与原版的编舞有些细小的改动,可我未曾见过女芭蕾舞演员被魔王的符咒迷惑得如此惊恐万状。Though only nuances of the original choreography had been altered, I had never seen a ballerina look so spookily possessed by an evil spell.

“看上去,我们正在被彻底放弃”,当惊恐万状的平民涌出城市东部郊区检查站时,一名年轻的叛军士兵说到。So, we’re being abandoned after all, ” said one young rebel as terrified residents poured out of a checkpoint on the eastern outskirts of town.

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这是许多机构经理人2008年下半年都曾遇到的两难处境,当时,大部分资产类别都因为这样那样的原因让市场惊恐万状。It is a dilemma that many an institutional manager faced in the latter part of 2008 as most asset classes were frightening for one reason or another.

一条狗能轻易地忽略国庆节那天的车辆起爆和满天烟火,却在训练场上表现惊恐万状,这可能正说明了这种习得性的负面联系。The dog who can easily ignore a car backfire or firecrackers on the Fourth of July, but panics on the training field may have learned a negative association.

他用那只大手抓住阿纳托利制服的领子,向左右摇晃,直到阿纳托利脸上现出惊恐万状为止。With his big hand he clutched Anatole by the collar of his uniform, and proceeded to shake him from side to side, till Anatole's face showed a sufficient degree of terror.