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由上传者拍摄。Captured by uploader.

下次拍摄时我会怎么做?What I would do next time?

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至少也会被录音,课程怎么拍摄呢So how's that going to work?

结帐线的照片由斯丽拍摄。Checkout line photo by szlea.

拍摄野熊是个危险的活儿。Photographing bears is risky.

剧本经过节略,以拍摄电视片。The play was abridged for TV.

以下是前拍摄的资料袋。Here's a front shot of the kit.

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这部电影是根据一本小说拍摄而成的。This movie is based on a novel.

许多电影在这里取景拍摄。Many movies have been shot here.

以上图片拍摄地点是在鲁瓦地区。These images were taken in Ruwa.

跟宋承宪的拍摄怎样?How did the shooting go with SSH?

拍摄对象成了剪影。The subject becomes a silhouette.

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会议照片由杰弗里北拍摄。Conference photo by Jeffrey Beall.

他们为投球手拍摄。What they do is they film bowlers.

草拟一个脚本用于指导你的拍摄。Draft a script to guide your shoot.

以每秒7200张图象拍摄。Filmed at 7, 200 images per second.

您瞧,即使是在拍摄的时候。Look, even during location filming.

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为大江动力拍摄其产品广告。Shooting product ads for the Ducar.

那么移动自己或拍摄对象。Then move yourself or your subject.

相机抖动是拍摄的大敌。Camera shake is your greatest enemy.