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铁桶装,每桶净重25公斤。In iron drum of 25kg net each.

铁桶装,每桶净重50千克。In iron drums of 50KG net each.

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铁桶装,每桶净重100公斤。In iron drums of 100 kgs net each.

那男孩敲个破铁桶发出刺耳的声音。The boy jarred against a broken metal pail.

我们通常用铁桶包装,每桶净重25千克。Our usual packing is in iron drums of 25 kilos, net each.

然后,把小铁桶里的四个蓝莓,也拿出来吃了。The Little Sal ate all four blue berries out of her pail!

但是您不用害怕,姑娘。我天天晚上要把门窗关得和铁桶一样。But fear nothing, Miss, I fasten the shutters up like prisons.

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但令我特别惊奇的是,它竟然生长在一个凹陷的、生了锈的铁桶里。But to my great surprise, it was growing in an old dented, rusty bucket.

他们在商店前的铁桶里烧纸钱,祈求好财运。The owners burn it in metal cans in front of their stores and pray for good business.

过路人纷纷向他脚下的一个小铁桶里扔着纸币和硬币。Passersby, one by one, threw paper money and coins into the small bucket beside his feet.

买两只白铁桶要二、三十来块钱,一年到头不吃盐都攒不够。Buy two white iron takes two to 30 dollars, save throughout the year do not eat enough salt.

明天我们必须小心谨慎,我们将尽量破解铁桶阵,这是本赛季我们的主场比赛一直遇到的问题。Tomorrow it will be a delicate game, we shall find a closed door, the usual argument of the home games.

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妈妈在蓝莓丛里,一边慢慢地走,一边把摘下的蓝莓放进大铁桶。Her mother walked slowly through the bushes, picking blueberries as she went and putting them in her pail.

求购制铁罐、铁桶用马口铁,请报最低价。每月需要40-50吨,需求量会增加。We buy tinplates to make cans and drums. Please send best price to us. We use about 40-50tons per month and growing.

这个赛季凯尔特人队的铁桶阵防守会再一次击败禅师的三角进攻吗?Will the Celtics' compact, lane-choking defense be superior to the model Jackson has attempted to incorporate this season?

韩国队将替补后卫队员换上场采取“铁桶式防守”打法,并最终将比分锁定为2比0。South Korea decided to proverbially "park the bus" by bringing on its defensive stand-ins, who ultimately preserved its 2-0 lead.

绿色运动持续数月以来,关于其缺乏坚强的领导以及丝毫没有对内贾德铁桶般政权产生任何威胁的批评不绝于耳。For months, it had been criticized as lacking strong leadership and for being unable to seriously challenge Iran’s entrenched regime.

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我们刚过正午就到了工厂大院,海蒂在笨重的铁桶间把我们拖来拽去,这些桶的盖子都上了拴,插销跟我的手腕一般粗。We arrived in the factory yard just past noon, Hattie dragging us between looming metal drums, their caps locked down with bolts thick as my wrist.

警方与歹徒在两处豪华饭店不时交火,据悉,有数十人被劫为人质,或者困在被围得如铁桶一般的楼房里。Police and gunmen were exchanging occasional gunfire at two luxury hotels and dozens of human were believed held hostage or trapped in besieged buildings.

警方与歹徒在两处豪华饭店不时交火,据悉,有数十人被劫为人质,或者困在被围得如铁桶一般的楼房里。Police and gunmen were exchanging occasional gunfire at two luxury hotels and dozens of people were believed held hostage or trapped in besieged buildings.