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一语道破了我们这个时代的困境。Wilson captures the dilemma of our era.

却可以一语道破你隐藏着的是个怎样的人。But can you hide victims of is a how of person.

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欣赏姜克隽的直率,一语道破了“低碳城市”的用途。Appreciate Jiang Kejun's candor about use of "low-carbon city."

我们长期以来的想法和感受,有一天将会被某个陌生人一语道破。We have long thoughts and feelings, will one day be a stranger away.

小蔡一语道破光华商家的订价策略。Xiao Cai sheds light on the realities of pricing at Guanghua Market.

却可以一语道破你隐藏着的是个怎样的人。Actually I'm a guard against heart is heavy, who also don't believe that.

今天这观念一语道破了无意义的世界不可能存在的原因。The idea for today is, of course, the reason why a meaningless world is impossible.

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一语道破了设计对一个国家发展的重要性。She pointed the important position which designing played in the national development.

它一语道破了外语教学中至关重要而又常常被忽略的一个因素。It gave away the foreign language teaching in the important and often overlooked as a factor.

刘备在此期间一直装呆,如今却被曹操一语道破,心中哪能不惊?Liu Bei installed during this period have been stayed, but Cao Cao was laid bare in mind how can not scared ?

“创意时代已经来临”这句源于华尔街的呼声一语道破了当今时代的气息。Creative Time has been come "that come from the voices of Wall Street exposed the breath of present day's society."

中国肴馔之味,恰似中国诗,倘若能一语道破那谜底,倏然间那味就全没了。China Yaozhuan of taste, like Chinese poetry, if that answer can be exposed, Shuran between the taste on the whole did not.

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是因为一语道破真相对我们来说太惨无人道而真相却如此显而易见?Is it possible that it's because we're too scared and it's too hard to say the one obvious truth that's staring everyone in the face?

好莱坞大腕大卫?杰分曾抱怨克林顿夫妇不说真话,他以一语道破左翼的普遍感受。David Geffen, a Hollywood mogul, gave voice to a widespread feeling on the left when he complained about the Clintons' relationship with truth.

至于效果如何,陈小艺一语道破,“我是不会拍吻戏的,以前很少拍,张国立比我还不会拍。”"As for the effect how, Chen Xiaoyi does lay bare the truth, "I amcannot pat kiss the play, before very little pats, Zhang Guolicompares me not to be able to pat.

其实,这些自以为失意无助的人却生活在雨天的阳光里而不自知,却被真正失意、无助的人一语道破。In fact, they think they frustrated and helpless people live in the sunshine rainy day without realizing it, but was really frustrated, helpless people who laid bare the truth.

画面中不同的元素总在暗中较劲,给予我们的一种无法一语道破的,像口腔溃疡一般隐忍的痛楚,是一种有所遏制的叛逆。All different elements in his pictures compete with each other, giving us a dental-ulcer-like pain that also can't be hit the mark by a single word, which is a kind of revolt that be contained.

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庄道生见蒋宇轩如此冥顽不灵,于是一语道破,其实可心并不需要他的保护,他只是为了满足自己的保护欲才对可心过度保护,他才是一个自私自利的人。Zhuang Daosheng see Jiang Yuxuan so slow-witted, then gave away, in fact can not need his protection, he just to satisfy their own desire to be protected over protection, he is an egoistic person.