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他领着我们走进了一个小单间儿。He headed us into a small separate room.

我想预订一间明天的单间。I want to book a single room for tomorrow.

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小单间的卖主很罕见到铃铛带子融化。The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt.

小单间的卖主很少见到铃铛带子融化。The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt.

小单间的卖次很多见到铃铛带子熔化。The corpuscle agent hardly sees the alarm belt cook.

我在四个星期前订了一个单间,我叫玛丽·温英。I booked a single room four weeks ago. I'm Mary Winn.

桅杆跟这窝棚内的单间房子差未几普通长。The mast was nearly as long as the one room of the shack.

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这是间单间,其他大部分房客都是学生。This is a single. Most of the other tenants are students.

好,富兰克维希先生,这里记着您订了一个有双人床的单间。A. Yes, Mr. Francovich. I see here you requested twin beds.

是原始单间还是木头隔间房?Is the primitive one-roomed or the wood compartmented room?

屏风把她的床与单间公寓的其他部位隔开来。A screen separated her bed from the rest of her one-room apartment.

艺术家们居住的单间公寓遭到银行业者的抢购。Studio flats meant for artists-in-residence get snapped up by bankers.

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舒适公寓中的单间,带屋顶阳台,不抽烟的职业人士,女士优先。Single room in lovely flat, roof terrace, non-smoking prof. , woman pref.

如后所述,如背面所述,该宾馆的优惠券只能用于单间消费。As stated in the back, this hotel voucher only covers single room charges.

我住在森林中的一个单间小木屋里,那儿挨近奥地利的一个小村庄。My home, near a small village in Austria, is a one-room cottage in a forest.

一女生求租----靠近渥太华大学的房子,一个单间,从8月28日起租。One girl looking for a room near University of Ottawa. Starts from 28th Aug.

阪谷一家七口被分到一座营房的某个单间内。The Sakatani family, seven in all, was assigned a single room in a barracks.

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抱歉,我们异国残剩的单间了,你想要双人世吗?I'm sorry, we don't have any single rooms left, would you like a double room?

哇。我没料到一个单间公寓这些天这么贵。Jeez- I didn't realize a single bedroom apartment went for so much these days.

是的,我要订两个单间,带淋浴和浴缸,伙食全包。Yes. I'd like to reserve two separate rooms with shower and bath, full pension.