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鲜血从伤口喷涌而出。Blood gushed from her wound.

那口泉眼泉水喷涌。Water sprang from the fountain.

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果汁的喜悦大量喷涌而出。A large amount of joy juice gushes.

油从裂开的管道中喷涌而出。Oil spouted out from a broken pipe.

看不见的泉水的喷涌使我恐惧。And the unseen waters' soliloquies awe me.

这些疯狂喷涌的钱是从哪来的?And where did this insane gusher of money come from?

布施的力量给我们带来了如泉喷涌的收获。The power of giving leads to the fountain of receiving.

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球体下的海水沸腾起来,不停搅动,喷涌。Water boiled up beneath the bubble, it seethed and spouted.

她必须被净化,经由这净化,她的内部将喷涌。She must purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew.

10个湖泊中有九个是淡水湖,水从地下喷涌而来。Nine of the 10 lakes are freshwater, fed by an underwater aquifer.

云仙山今天一直在向外喷涌火山灰、气体和火山岩。Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash , gas, and rock today.

当愤怒的暗流从这些裂纹喷涌而出,结果往往是毁灭性的。When anger spills out along these fault lines, it's often destructive.

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但出乎我意料的是,这个奖项为我打开了一扇喷涌金钱的闸门。However, to my amazement, this award seemed to open a floodgate of money.

大量巨大的葡萄逐渐喷涌出来,给地鼠的内脏提供胶粘物。A gazillion of gigantic grapes gushed gradually giving gophers gooey guts.

他们看到那只狗咬住曹生源的脖子,血从伤口里喷涌而出!They saw the dog biting Caos neck. His blood was pumping out of the wound.

他们看到那只是狗咬住曹生源的脖子,血从伤口里喷涌然而出!They saw the dog biting Cao's neck. His blood was pumping out of the wound.

当你丢弃了小气转而拥抱感激的时候,爱会喷涌而出。When you let go of niggles and embrace gratitude instead , love springs up.

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渊凯人呻吟一声,又是一股黄色的浊水从双腿间的喷涌。The Yunkishman moaned and another flood of brown water gushed down his legs.

在藤蔓覆盖的维苏威火山内部,一股巨大的力量即将喷涌而出。Beneath Vesuvius' vine-covered slopes a mighty force was about to break loose.

瑞士小报布利克使它看起来是血从寺庙中喷涌而出。The Swiss tabloid Blick made it look like it was blood pouring from the temple.