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现在这是个无法无天的领域。Right now it's a domain of lawlessness.

现在的西部简直无法无天。It is lawless right now in the Wild West.

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她现在已是两个无法无天的小男孩的母亲。She was the mother of two peremptory little boys.

他们的作品流露出一种无法无天和绝望的气氛。Their films exude a tone oflawlessness and despair.

你这个无法无天的流氓,好大胆子,竟敢跟我说这种话。You infernal scoundrel , how dare you tell me that?

这就叫无法无天,是不能忍受的。This is called a licentiousness not to be tolerated.

难道在小区中物业公司就能无法无天吗?Is lawlessness in the area of property companies can?

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要找到这些“无法无天”的人比想象要难。Catching up with these outlaws is harder than expected however.

类星体就像是宇宙中最贪得无厌,最无法无天的怪家伙。Quasars are perhaps the most ravenous and immortal beasts in the universe.

伦敦街头的盗窃、暴力犯罪及无法无天确实令人震惊,但却不稀奇。The theft and violence and street crime and lawlessness in London is shocking.

他们虽常常被批评为无政府主义者,却以其无法无天略为自豪。Often accused of being anarchists, they take a certain pride in their unruliness.

“政府里每个人都无法无天”,一名卡车司机阿卜杜勒·加法尔表示。“Every man in the government is his own king, ” said Abdul Ghafar, a truck driver.

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索马里十多年来一直处于无法无天的状态,它在被调查的48个国家里是最后一名。Somalia, ungovernable for more than a decade, ranked last of the 48 countries surveyed.

但东非地区无法无天的局面却让海盗在岸上有安全藏身之地。But in East Africa, there has been lawlessness that has given pirates a sort of haven onshore.

比这更加血腥的暴力事件时有发生,而且发生地也不仅限于与阿富汗交界的那一片无法无天的部落区域。Far bloodier outrages are all too common, and not just in the wilds of the tribal areas near Afghanistan.

在2016年警方把超过50个地区划入“禁入区域”名单,因其暴力活动已是无法无天。In 2016, police placed more than 50 areas on a "no-go zone" list as the force is reaching breaking point.

在无法无天的非洲之角邻近海域,中国和任何贸易国家一样,有权保护自己的利益。China has as much right as any trading nation to guard itself in the lawless waters off the Horn of Africa.

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李毅中上周表示缺煤以及煤价上涨驱使无法无天的矿主采取不顾后果的举动。"The short supply of coal and rising prices push lawless owners to take reckless moves," Li said last week.

然而在实践过程中,我们却看见政府官僚屡屡变成了最罪恶和最无法无天的一个职业。Yet in practice, we see that government officials belong to the most criminal and "lawless" profession around.

这些组织包括,已经在该国无法无天的腹地寻求安全之处的阿尔盖达的当地分支。These groups include a local branch of al-Qaeda, which has sought a haven in the country's lawless hinterlands.