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三塘湖盆地是一个有含油气远景的盆地。Santanghu Basin is of oil and gas prospect.

花状构造能成为油气圈闭。Flower structures can form hydrocarbon traps.

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大庆油田是国家油气供应的重要基地。Daqing oil field is the main oil base of China.

晚第三纪以来油气藏调整为主阶段。The modification of pools dominated since Neogene.

沾化凹陷区中生界发育2类6种油气藏类型。There are 2 kinds with 6 types of oil gas reservoir.

板深4井油气藏受到扩散作用的影响。Reservoir for Well Banshen 4 is affected by diffusion.

本实用新型提供一种油气外输混输罐。The utility model provides an oil-gas mixed flow tank.

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天草凹陷天2井油气显示丰富。Tian 2 well shows its richness in crude oil and gases.

火山岩可以成为良好的油气储层。Volcanic rock can become favorable oil-gas reservoirs.

改进完善了油气分离的设计。Improve the design having perfected oil gas separation.

研究区属油气勘探的空白区。Target region is a Oil-Gas exploration of blank region.

兴气9井具有优越的油气成藏条件。Xing9 gas well has a good developing reservoir condition.

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用于螺杆、滑片、涡卷等旋转式压缩机的油气冷却器。Oil—air cooler for compressor, such as screw, slidingwane.

从电性上分析塔盆北缘有三套地层,这对油气勘探有重要意义。This is important for oil and gas exploration in the area.

中国西部主要为挤压型含油气盆地。Basins in the Western China are mainly of compression-type.

油气在渗漏过程中与上覆地层、岩石发生以化学为主的作用。Oil and gas have Chemical reation with the overburden rock.

研究表明,文安油田至少存在两个油气富集体系。At least two petroleum systems occur in the Wen'an oilfield.

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双台子油田为新生界古近系砂岩油气藏。Shuangtaizi oil for Cenozoic Paleogene sandstone reservoirs.

该方法在油气化探应用中比较成熟,但是它存在多解性。It is very mature in application of oil and gas geochemistry.

松潘—阿坝地区是油气勘探新区。Songpan-Aba area is a new district for oil and gas exploration.