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他的工作博得广大群众的称许。His work won the praise of the broad masses.

有人称许这段经文,是「保罗所写的一段最深刻有力的伟大宣言」。It has been called the 'greatest, strongest, deepest words Paul ever wrote'.

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只要它能够工作就行了,不用担心别人是否称许您的代码。So get it to work and don't worry whether anyone appreciates what you've wrought.

您要在日常生活中身体力行我的佛法教示的想法是很值得称许的。Your ideas of carrying on my Dharma teachings in daily life is most praiseworthy.

在这几样上服事基督的,就为神所喜悦,又为人所称许。For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.

他的诗歌和戏剧在当时就得到了人们的称许,包括其仇敌复社文人在内。His poetry and the play obtained people's praise at that time, including its foe FuShe writer.

皮拉斯没有像暴君一样大发雷霆,反而在朋友之间称许法布里丘斯。Pyrrhus did not explode in a tyrannic tantrum. On the contrary, among his friends he commended Fabricius.

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欧债救助方案有很多令人称许的地方,但还是有太多问题需要回答。There are many things to like about the European plan, but there are still too many unanswered questions.

因为某一重大的政治错误而道歉,人们会称许该官员的诚实,但,他的信誉却牺牲了。A minister who apologises for a big policy error may be lauded for his honesty but sacrifice his credibility.

中国日报——一家英文报纸——称许多行业的外来务工人员已经几个月没有发工资了。China Daily, an English-language newspaper, says many of the industry's migrant workers have not been paid for months.

英帕尔出现了大规模破坏,有报道称许多房子出现巨大裂缝。许多大楼的墙壁也倒掉了。There is large scale damage in Imphal with many houses reporting huge cracks. Walls of many building have also collapsed.

他于九月份在联合国发表了具有里程碑意义的演说,而科林·鲍威尔正令人称许地把这议题带到两党合作的路上。He gave a landmark speech to the U.N. in September, and Colin Powell is moving the issue forward in a commendably bipartisan way.

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阿纳斯塔西娅是英国智库机构Civitas的副主任,她称许多女性为了事业将婚姻推迟到了30多岁才举行。Anastasia de Waal, deputy director of the Civitas think-tank, said many women were putting off marriage till their 30s to develop their careers.

最近,新任卫生部代部长许文远亮出了一些新的招数,要公共医院尽量降低成本,减轻百姓的医疗费负担,这种亲民的做法是绝对值得称许的。Some measures were announced recently by Acting Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan to get public hospitals to cut costs and ensure costs remain affordable.

相比之下,我们所知最成功的基督教,或是最灵恩、最受称许、最受鼓掌的,也未免太死气沉沉,相形见绌,而无法与之相比。By contrast the most successful kind of Christianity that we know, the most charismatic, the most to be lauded and applauded is utterly anemic and does not bear comparison.

研究表明,CRT作为一种间接的测量方法,不存在社会称许性及掩饰现象,它弥补了自陈报告的缺陷。Studies suggested that as an indirect measurement technique, CRT in which socially desirable responding and faking don't exist had compensated the limitation of self-reports.

更甚的是,民政党槟州主席拿督丁福南在数天后接受媒体访问时,还称许子根并没有挑战林冠英辩论,许氏只是“建议辩论”而已,试图借此“协助”许子根“避开”这场辩论会。Trying to help out Koh to avoid the debate, Penang Gerakan Chairman Teng Hock Nan even claimed a few days ago that Koh only suggested and did not challenge Lim for the debate.

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牛津大学讲师、性心理专家凯瑟琳·胡德博士称许多女性“因各种压力而努力实现完美,殊不知这根本就不现实。”Psychosexual specialist Dr Catherine Hood, who lectures at Oxford University, said many women "feel under pressure to live up to a vision of perfection which just isn't realistic".

卿贝克对以色列怒气冲冲地攻击予以淡化,并对这一犹太国家做了若干称许——同时贝克也改了口。President Bush yesterday toned down Secretary of State James Baker's angry blast at Israel and offered some positive remarks on the Jewish state –while Baker did some quick backpedaling.

资产阶级揭示了,在中世纪深受反动派称许的好勇斗狠,是以懒散怠惰作为它的相应的补充的。The bourgeoisie has disclosed how it came to pass that the brutal display of vigor in the Middle Ages, which reactionaries so much admire, found its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence.