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卒子过河,意在吃帅。Pawns across the river, to eat.

国际象棋训练。抓住电脑的卒子。Chess training. Catch the computer's pawns.

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支持哪一边的人都只是你奴才在游戏外面的卒子而已。People who support EITHER party are just pawns in the game.

卒子在到达第八横格时自动升级。A pawn automatically promotes when it reaches the eighth rank.

教皇只是另一枚卒子,他语带双关。The Pope is just another pawn, he speaks with a forked tongue.

棋局结束时,国王和卒子都得放回棋盒里。Once the game is over, the King and the pawn go back in the same box.

曾被德国用来做棋盘上的卒子的斯洛伐克人,获得了朝不保夕的自治。The Slovaks, who had been used as a pawn by Germany, obtained a precarious autonomy.

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他到底是把恶魔引到镇上的罪魁祸首,还是仅仅是一个毫不知情的卒子?Is he the architect of the evil that has befallen the town, or simply an unwitting pawn?

村贵们变成了工厂主和贪得无厌的资本家。他们招工人当作仅仅是劳工契约中的卒子。Village nobles, become factory owners, turned into greedy capitalists who saw their workers as mere pawns in a labor contract.

黄徐毓芳否定了她是被自己人丢弃的一枚卒子,黄强调说她的远离政治的决定是源于一些长期滞后的“自我反省”。Denying she was pushed by colleagues into resigning, Wong said her decision to leave politics followed some long-delayed self-reflection.

国际关系通常会被拿来跟国际象棋比赛来相比,美国再一次想方设法想要拔掉这颗被后保护得如此之好的卒子。International relations is usually likened to a game of chess, and the United States is again grappling with how to tackle a pawn that is so well protected by the queen.