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福斯导演了五部故事片。Fosse directed five feature films.

影片是什么风格,是神秘片,喜剧片还是故事片?What is the movie's genre--mystery, comedy, drama?

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这两位合作者现在又在构思一部故事片长度的影片。The partners are now conceptualizing a feature-length film.

皮克斯的第一部使用了真人表演的故事片长度的电影。First instance of a Pixar feature-length film using live-action.

那时的电影有故事片、卡通片、系列影片和新闻纪录片。Back then, you got a feature film, a cartoon, a serial, and a newsreel.

最佳实验故事片奖,亚特兰大电影及录像展,1988年。Best Experimental Narrative Film, Atlanta Film and Video Festival, 1988.

我想要据实拍一部你父亲抛弃我们的故事片。I was going to make a feature film about your father's running away like he did.

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凯西被儿子激发出来的工作项目之一是一部故事片。One of Kathy's many projects that has been inspired by his life is a feature film.

这个故事重新在2002年保罗托马斯安德森故事片糊里糊涂的爱创建。The story was re-created in the 2002 Paul Thomas Anderson feature film Punch-Drunk Love.

你可以在破斧酒吧重玩已通过的关卡或者观看故事片段,还可以在古灵阁挑战奖励关卡。You can replay levels and watch cutscenes at the Leaky Cauldron, and play bonus levels at Gringotts.

马哲儒最近在为大众和华为公司的故事片设计声音,音频编辑,和混音。Jarome has recently worked on sound design, audio editing, and sound mixing on films for VW and Huawei.

这是一部抒情喜剧故事片。影片批判了拜金主义,颂扬了人间真情。This film is a lyrical comedy that criticizes the worship of the golden calf and glorifies the true love.

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你曾经有看到过哪部关于萨米人被强迫信基督教或是对他们进行文化同化的故事片吗?Has a feature film ever been made about the forced christianization and cultural assimilation of the Sami?

主要授予最佳故事片、纪录片、科教片、美术片等。It mostly award for the best story, documentary films, science and educational films, art films and so on.

无论是在故事片还是电视剧里,她都希望出演能让她最大程度发挥自己才能的角色。Whether in feature films or television dramas, she's looking for parts that allow her to stretch her talents.

综合上述,这是一部记录性的故事片,是展示我们儿童和社会犯罪的故事,是反映香港社会问题的故事。Fundamentally, this is a film about storytelling, showcasing the effects of crime on our children and community.

早在默片时期就出现了以灾难为题材的纪实片和故事片。In the early period of Silent film, there were recording films and feature films making disaster as their themes.

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书籍、故事片、族谱、现实生活事件、旅游等,都是孩子探索历史的好材料。Books, movies, family genealogy, environmental living programs and travel can all be vehicles to exploring history.

在此后的几十年中,观众都可以在数十部故事片和纪录片中听到“丽莉”。Over the decades moviegoers have heard the straight version of “Lilli” in dozens of feature films and documentaries.

它具有传统故事片转承启合的情节,但时长却短得多,我们能为娱乐所花费的时间也就仅有这些了。It has the twists and turns of a feature film but is way shorter, which is the amount of time we can afford for entertainment.