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我是个文坛上混饭吃的罢了――他就老爱跟人这么说。I'm just a literary con man, he will say.

对于老舍本人,美国文坛也作了具有针对性的介绍。The literary circles of U. S also introduced Lao She.

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艾利斯·沃克是当代美国文坛杰出的黑人女作家。Alice Walker is an outstanding Afro-American woman writer.

它与左联一样,是30年代文坛上的一个重大事件。Leftist, like it was 30 years a major event in literary circles.

萨尔曼·拉什迪是一位蜚声文坛的英籍印度小说家和散文家。Salman Rushdie is a famous British Indian novelist and essayist.

萨娜是于九十年代初走上文坛的达斡尔族当代女作家。Sana is a authoress of Daur who began her writing in early 1990's.

周梅森是以“历史小说”的创作而闻名于文坛的。Zhou Meisen is famous for his"history novel"on the literary world.

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伊恩·麦克尤恩是当代英国文坛最杰出的作家之一。Ian McEwan is one of the best-known contemporary British novelists.

张承志在文坛的意义超越了一个作家本身。Zhang Chengzhi in the literary significance beyond itself a writer.

作家刘醒龙在当代文坛是比较独特的一位。Liu Xinglong, is a unique writer in the contemporary literary world.

艾丽丝•沃克是当代美国文坛杰出的黑人女作家。Mice Walker is an outstanding contemporary Afro-American woman writer.

交游广泛,与当时的文坛关系密切。Makes friends widely, was close with the literary arena relations then.

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新生代作家持续发力,在中国文坛一石激起千层浪。New waves of authors continue making a splash in China'sliterary scene.

复活代作家继承发力,在中国文坛一石激起千层浪。New waves of authors continue making a splash in China's literary scene.

第二部分考察西方浪漫主义文学思潮对中国文坛的影响。In the second part, it investigates the effect of the western romanticism.

自唐时李杜归去,颓废文坛,再无才出。When self-Tang Li and Du returning, decadent literature, no longer only a.

沈周是明代文坛上的重要人物。Shenzhou was a very important figure in the literary world of Ming dynasty.

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在当代文坛的女作家中,迟子建是非常独特的。Chi Zijian is unique among women writers in the contemporary literary world.

在中国当代文坛上,王安忆是一个独特而丰富的存在。In Chinese contemporary literary arena, Wang Anyi is a unique and rich image.

1976年诺贝尔奖的获得为贝娄奠定了在美国文坛上的重要地位。In 1976, he won Nobel Prize, this show his position in American literary field.