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入声吕雷克医用助听器InSound Medical Lyric Hearing Aid

驾驶时须戴助听器。To wear hearing aids when driving.

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与助听器,你可以在刚刚舨联系。With corsets , you can just tug on the ties.

嘱受检者取下助听器,闭眼。Ask client to remove hearing aid and close eyes.

你的助听器所接收的声音顺耳自然吗?How natural is the sound from your hearing aids?

他们决定抢劫那个带助听器的老头。They decided to “yoke” the old man with the hearing aid.

但是,允许使用助听器和心脏起博器。Operation of hearing aids and heart pacemakers is permitted.

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用户可以真正去观看、去感觉、去体验、去聆听小霸王仿生助听器的与众不同之处。It is time for your power users to see, feel and hear the difference!

报告呼吁提供相关器具,包括轮椅和助听器。It calls for the provision of devices, including wheelchairs and hearing aids.

这是同样一辆卡车经过时,75岁的戴有助听器的老人听到的声音。This is what the same truck sounds like to a 75-year-old man with a hearing aid.

真耳介入增益法是助听器常用的验配方法之一。The real ear insertion gain measrement is one of methods in hearing aids fitting.

本文侧重以助听器选配、验证以及听力康复为主。This paper focuses on hearing aid fitting, verification and aural rehabilitation.

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当他人发觉你配戴助听器,你认为他们会注意到你的听觉受损吗?Do you think people notice your hearing loss more when you wear your hearing aids?

嗨,我真希望隔壁那老头儿能给本身买个助听器。Gee- I sure wish that old guy who lives next door would buy himself a hearing aid.

耳钩位于助听器的最前端,是连接耳模的通道。The front of the ear hook in the hearing aid, is to connect the ear mould channel.

听力障碍往往是永久性的,需要使用助听器等康复手段。It is usually permanent and requires rehabilitation such as the use of a hearing aid.

在发展中国家,每40名有需求的人中只有不到1人拥有助听器。In developing countries, fewer than 1 out of 40 people who need a hearing aid have one.

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有助听器维修、定制机制作,统计,客户服务工作经验。Have experience in HA repair, customer-HA manufacturing, statistic and customer service.

然而,他们可以使用MP3播放器,笔记本电脑,电动刮胡子器和助听器。They can, however, use MP3 players, laptop computers, electric shavers and hearing aids.

一老汉年高耳背,儿子便给他买了一个助听器。An old man suffered hard of hearing because of old age, so his son bought him a hearing aid.