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撒哈拉间谍套装最适合搭配死亡送终者。The Saharan Spy item set pairs best with the Dead Ringer.

WebOS的时代已经过去了,我们只不过在为它送终罢了。WebOS’ time has passed and we’re just watching the funeral.

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然而它的挣扎很快便会蜡尽油枯,因为在它身旁两只饥饿的小狮子正等着为它“送终”。Soon his struggle will end as two hungry young lions deal the final blows.

他们还相信在商业或送终女人和男人一样善于逻辑思维和富于创造性。They also believe that in business women are as logical and creative as men.

在我的一生中,大妈是最了解我的人,能够为她送终是我莫大的荣幸。Caroline has known me all my life. It was my privilege to see her out of hers.

“无儿女送终真的非常可悲,”她引用了拿破仑的那句名言。“It is horrible to see oneself die without children,” she quotes Napoleon as saying.

以前,在中国,孩子是父母最后的安全网,为他们养老送终。Once, Chinese children were their parents' safety net, home-grown pension plans. But Mr.

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家庭需要儿子来传宗接代,继承财产以及养老送终的职责。Families wanted a son to bear the family name, to inherit property and to carry out funerary duties.

乔佛里曾为我准备了个塔楼送终,但是我拒绝了他的礼物,所以他又送了我间地牢。Joffrey had offered me a tower to die in, but I had spurned his gift, so now he meant to offer me a dungeon.

中国已进入老年社会,养老送终成为全社会必须面对的严重问题。China has entered into an aged society and elderly care has become an increasing challenge to the entire society.

中国老龄化问题也导致某种文化变迁,传统的由家人给老人养老送终的方式越来越难了。China’s graying also requires a cultural shift as the tradition of families caring for aging relatives at home becomes more difficult.

还有一个因素是社会福利体系的改进,使父母不再那么依赖子女来养老送终。Yuan said another factor was the improving social welfare system, which made parents less dependent on their children when they were old.

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刀家家破人亡后,她以巫师身份替人看些常见病,换些散金碎银,以此照顾刀母生活直至送终。Knife and decimated, with her home after wizard identity does odd see some diseases, change some to take care of scattered gold ground silver sword female life until again.

巴克斯特老太太坚决要为自己办一场隆重的送终大会,会上要是没有火腿三明治,小蛋糕和玉米饼招待客人,她会觉得很丢脸。She was determined to have a good send off was old Granny Baxter. She'd never hold her head up if there weren't ham sandwiches for all followedby fairy cakes and Jammy Dodgers.

徐媛媛留下一份遗言去了,双方家人都痛哭不堪,陈志明承诺为其父母养老送终。Xu Yuanyuan leaves a words of the deceased, bilateral family cry bitterly can'ts bear, chen Zhiming acceptance is attend upon a dying relative of its parents provide for the aged.

文章称,城市化削弱了有儿子的优势,如儿子可以下田劳作,养老送终,因此“养女多余”的传统思想正渐行渐远。The conventional wisdom that China is a land of unwanted girls is being changed as urbanization erodes the advantage of having sons to work the fields and support parents in old age.

一九九九年我叔叔在这里安然离世,我在广州没有回去为他送终,这个现在我看来终生的遗憾,成为我对这个村庄情感的一个转折点。My uncle died in 1999 in this very village. I was in Guangzhou and didn't go home to bury him. It has been a lifetime regret for me and has become the turning point of my feeling for this village.