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她一直站在那里,直到他的车开远看不见了。She stood there until his car was out of sight.

杰克回头看了一眼鲍勃的警车,已经开远啦,直到消失不见。Jack turned around in time to see Bob's car pull away and head down the road.

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图中为云南开远市的彝族妇女在市郊的一个小山坡上开垦荒地种植桑树。Ethnic Yi women hoe a field to plant mulberry on a hillside on the outskirts of Kaiyuanin, Yunan.

等她挥手和他说完再见,他便站在那里望着汽车,直到车拐个弯儿开远。She would wave good-bye to him, and he would stand and watch the bus until it vanished around a turn.

晚上,不远处的开远城与漆黑的村寨成了两个世界。At night, the bright Kaiyuan City not far away contrast sharply with the dark villages like two worlds.

介绍了开远市恶臭污染现状,提出了防治对策。The present situation of odor pollution in Kaiyuan is introduced, and the countermeasures are put forward.

王玉芝最大的心愿是让全开远的孩子尽可能多地了解毒品的危害。Yuzhi biggest wish is to allow wide-open as much as possible from the children about the dangers of drugs.

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开远南洞位于开远市南约10公里的崇山峻岭之下。South Kaiyuan hole located at the Kaiyuan city south under approximately 10 kilometers high mountain ridges.

我花了一个小时,地点在我的整个头部,开远,我能看见他,因为他在他的床上躺下。It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed.

这个卫兵吓坏了,匆忙升起路障,让这辆马力十足的车过去,开远了。Terrified, the guard scrambled to raise the barrier, allowing the powerful motor to pass through and drive away.

目的对开远市城市社区卫生服务筹资额从不同角度进行测算与分析。Objective This article calculates and analyzes the amount of financing of community health services in Kaiyuan city, Yunnan Province.

更多时候,她抱着厚厚的宣传册,顶着寒风和烈日走遍开远的大街小巷,劝诫孩子们千万别吸毒。More often, she had thick brochure, under the scorching sun wind and Kaiyuan around the streets, children do not discourage drug abuse.

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阐述了黑龙江省林甸观测井、山东省聊城聊古一井和云南省开远观测井观测到的氦含量变化与周围发生的中强地震的关系。In the article, the relationship between the Helium content of the observational wells in Heilongjiang Province, Shandong Province and Yunnan Province with earthquakes is presented.

完整接种的早脆王胚珠随其成熟度的增加褐化加重,但切开远胚端接种金丝丰和冬枣的幼嫩胚珠更容易褐化。While the whole ovule browning of Zaocuiwang was aggravated with maturation, the ovules browning of Jinsifeng and Dongzao with the end dissection far away from the embryo were easier.