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随软件一起的有多少个预置的模板?How many pre-set templates come in the box?

你只有接受一个预定义的预置。You have only to accept one of predefined presets.

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该电台可处置30个调频预置,上午10点预置。The radio can handle 30 FM presets and 10 AM presets.

预置计数器。高性能硅栅CMOS。Presettable counter. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

从预置的100分开始,由主持人控制。The 100 points from the pre-start controlled by the moderator.

这是否意味着物体恒常性是我们大脑里一道预置的程序?Does this mean that object permanence is prewired in the brain?

这种预置操作可能需要完全安装该组件。That provisioning action may require a full install of the box.

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它具有很大的预置过滤掉大部分的记录静态。It has great presets that filter out most of the recorded static.

三个游戏对象被链接到了预置,有一个没有。Three of these GameObjects are linked to Prefabs. One of them is not.

要进行比较,需要选择一个预置的函数。To do this comparison, you choose one of the pre-configured functions.

方法是从数百个预设背景中挑选一种,或自定义您自己的预置。Pick from hundreds of premade backdrops, or customize your own presets.

自定义混响预置,选择用户创建你自己定制的混响。Custom reverb presets, select user to create your own customized reverbs.

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基于图标的注释库,更便于存储,对比,和添加色彩校正预置。Icon based notes library to save, compare, or apply colour correction presets.

提出一种新的“预置狭缝法”制作彩虹全息图。A new method with a pre existent slit for making rainbow holograms is presented.

低成本,低压差,3端电压参考。预置输出电压4.5V。Low-cost, low-dropout, 3-terminal voltage reference. Preset output voltage 4.5V.

光电控制,自动计数,并可预置牙印张数及压印位置。Photoelectrical control, automatic counting, preset printing folio and position.

同时,你需要在笔记本电脑的系统设置里打开网络预置窗口,添加一个USB连接。You’ll also need to set up a USB Connection in the Network pane of System Preferences.

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光电控制,自动计数,并可预置压印张数及压印位置。Opto-electrical control, automatic counting, printing folio and position can be preset.

采用频率锁相高频头,电视接收快捷稳定,可预置1000个频道。With PLL design, can get TV programs stably and promptly, preset channel up to 1000 CH.

可以修改被实例化的预置物体,不需要改变实例化代码。You can change the Prefab being instanced without changing the code that instantiates it.