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敌人在山后集结了大量兵力。The enemy is in force behind the hill.

美军目前在德国驻有4万兵力。Army now has 40,000 soldiers in Germany.

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他们用两倍兵力对付我的一支军队。They double-team on one section of my army.

我们以优势兵力打垮了敌军。We overwhelmed the enemy by superior forces.

这位军官今天上午派遣了一个团的兵力。The officer detached a regiment this morning.

我军派了一个营的兵力对三黄围展开了进攻。A battalion of our soldiers attacked the castle.

防守被优势的兵力摧垮了。The defense was overwhelmed by superior numbers.

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这位军官今天上午派遣了一个团的兵力。The country is ruled by a group of army officers.

他们调集了巨大的兵力来对付这场进攻。They assembled a tremendous force to face the attack.

我们大部分兵力集结在车站附近。Most of our forces have concentrated near the station.

指挥员集中全部兵力来进行这次进攻。The commander called up all his forces for the attack.

到10月之前,驻阿富汗美军的总兵力应该达到5万9000人。By October, the overall force level should reach 59,000.

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我们集中兵力攻击敌人的阵地。We concentrated our forces against the enemy's position.

必须集中优势兵力歼灭敌人。Superior forces must be concentrated to destroy the enemy.

多国部队总兵力达70万人之多。The total strength of the Allied Troops was about 700,000.

配置两个营的兵力进攻空军基地。Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base.

忘掉亨利五世,1415年英王亨利五世于法国北部阿金库尔村以弓箭手重创兵力数倍于己的法军Get out of your mind Henry V, forget the Battle of Agincourt.

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韩、赵两国兵力训练有素,但在战场上很难发挥实际效用。Han's and Zhao's troops are well controlled but not effective.

司令员把强大兵力集中在左翼。The commander concentrated a powerful force on the left flank.

兵力区分是防空兵战斗部署的重要环节。The troops distinction is an important step of the deployment.