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这个字眼是一本书。The word was a book.

爱情,多么讽刺的字眼!The love, satirizes phrase!

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“冻胶”,是个很确切的字眼。Gelatinous was the right word.

她搜寻恰当的字眼儿。She groped for the right word.

芜俚是我们讲话中最寝陋的字眼。It is the opposite of vulgarity.

我——多么令人厌烦的字眼!What a boring little word ---- I!

幸福,华丽却又悲伤德字眼。Happiness, gorgeous but sad words.

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绿色技术不再是带贬义的字眼。Greentech Stops being a dirty word.

学会了一些字模的字眼。Have learned a few matrixes wording.

政体“是个熟悉的字眼。The term "regime" is a familiar one.

因此「真理」这个字眼指的就是那个意思。Hence the word Begriff which means that.

这些字眼不停在我脑海里闪现。These phrases ricocheted through my head.

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她把自己不想要的字眼都涂掉了。She blacked out the words she didn't want.

汽车的喇叭声是个被误解的可爱字眼。The car horn is like a lovely word defiled.

但他愿在名字后面加上KBE字眼。However he agreed to add "KBE" after his name.

礼貌性的对话中,最好避免使用这些字眼。In polite conversation, they are best avoided.

注意回调这个字眼。Pay attention, though, to the word retracement.

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他听到这样一个字眼儿顿时就发火了。On hearing the word, he suddenly became furious.

你可能并不喜欢这些字眼儿——节食和锻炼。You may not like those words — diet and exercise.

他们总是能用这些字眼当作某种形式的批评。They can always use this as some form of criticism.