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这大大小小的石狮子。I've seen many stone lions.

数以千计大大小小的唱片店也都关门大吉了。So did thousands of smaller stores.

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人生有大大小小的惊喜。There are some big or small surprize.

大大小小的珠母贝纽扣。Mother-of-pearl buttons, big and small.

而且根本不存在任何大大小小的问题。To It there is no big or little problem.

现在,瞧瞧这些大大小小的盒子,我真傻!Looking at the boxes now, I feel foolish.

我喜欢画动物,大大小小的动物。I like draw animals, big and small animals.

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如果一个人认识到了,思想是针对大大小小的挑战。What is one to do when one realises that thought.

我们可能于近24家大大小小的公司沟通过。We talked to maybe two dozen companies, big and small.

华尔街那些大大小小的伤口终于开始结痂愈合了。Scabs are finally growing over Wall Street's gaping wounds.

所有消防栓必须在大大小小的火灾之前一小时予以检查。All fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires.

大大小小的野兽都吓得撒腿就逃。The wild animals, large and small, all fled for their lives.

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他热烈追求生活中所有大大小小的乐趣。He pursued ardently all the major and minor pleasures of life.

她做清洁工作、帮你煮饭,照料好大大小小所有事情。She's been cleaning, and cooking and taking care of everything.

这正含有甲烷的晶体结构被认为是由大大小小的地质变化形成的。Clathrates are suspects in a number of geo-crimes great and small.

一群大大小小的动物随着起跑的信号奔向不同的方向。At a signal, a motley group of animals ran in different directions.

如果中国想要黄金,它就可以出价买下美国大大小小的矿业公司。If China wants gold, it could put in a bid for US mining companies.

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“赞”这页好让你第一时间知道澳门大大小小的新觧事!!!"LIKE" this page to keep updated with the latest happening in MACAU!

不管是什么公司,都会有大大小小的问题,所以先消消气。No matter what, there will be large and small, so to eliminate Getter.

但是,现在大大小小的钢铁厂又都开足马力生产。But, greatly small now steel ironworks production of put into high gear.