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她爱好体育。She loves sports.

我喜欢美术和体育。I like Art and P. E.

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你为什么喜欢体育?Why do you like P.E?

他爱好体育运动。He is fond of sports.

就像体育比赛,Like a sporting contest,

我们星期一上体育。We have P. E. on Monday.

我们需要一名体育教师。We want a P. E. teacher.

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他很有体育道德。He has good sportsmanship.

我不喜欢数学和体育。I don't like math or P. E.

我喜欢体育摄影。I like sports photography.

我喜欢体育频道。I like the sports channel.

她对体育活动兴头很大。She is very keen on sport.

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体育消费观。Consumption view of sports.

这是为自己们体育教师筹办地。It's for our P. E. teacher.

作为一集体育处置者。As a set of sports disposer.

你喜欢看体育节目吗?Do you like sports programs?

我最喜欢体育节目。I like sports programs best.

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能让我看下体育专栏吗?Can I see the sports section?

在体育考试中,我尽力了。I possible in the P. E. test.

他读不读体育杂志?Does he read sports magazines?