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中方哪些官员与他会见?Who did he meet with?

请问中方对此有何评论?Do you have any comment?

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中方对此有何评论?Do you have any comment?

请问中方对此有何评论?What comment do you have?

请问中方对此有何评论?How do you comment on this?

中方是否向所方提供了援助?Has China offered any assistance?

中方是否将举行吹风会?Will there be any press briefings?

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中方是论坛核心成员。China is a core member of the Forum.

而中方称此为一个巧合。The Chinese called it a coincidence.

中方公司证明信?Approval letter from Chinese company?

中方是否还会向非洲受灾国提供新的援助?Will China provide further assistance?

中方如何看待美国牧师的行为?How do you view the plan of the pastor?

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中方对刚方上述立场表示高度赞赏。China highly appreciates such a position.

中方哪些领导人将与他会见?Which Chinese leaders will meet with him?

他将与哪位中方官员会见?Which Chinese official will he meet with?

中方将向伊出售什么武器?What kind of weapons will be sold to Iraq?

他们被中方指控盗窃国家机密。They were accused of stealing state secrets.

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中方对谁先发动该战争持何立场?Which side does China think started the war?

中方将如何支持印度“入常”?But how exactly will China offer its support?

中方是依法处理有关案件的。China handles relevant case according to law.