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2014年限期是误导性的。The 2014 deadline is misleading.

限期已满。The time limit has been reached.

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限期能再宽几天吗?Can the deadline be extended a few more days?

我希望我们能在最后限期之前完成这项工作!I hope we can finish this before the deadline!

确认他们可以在新的限期前完成供给。Confirm that they can meet these new deadlines.

强调限期内完成工作的重要性。Emphasize the importance of deadlines and tasks.

部门,限期完成,确保安全生产。Departments, deadline, to ensure safety in production.

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“将军”给他一个小时限期,时间过后他就会放西奥多去伤害莎拉。Krantz gives him an hour, or he'll turn T-Bag loose on Sara.

相关法律规定,允许把乞丐送到特定的收容所,限期一年。Bylaws allow beggars to be sent to a special home for a year.

阁下曾热烈参与麦当劳推出的短暂限期性现金食物优惠。You support the short-period limited cash premium in McDonald's.

阁下曾热烈参与麦当劳推出的短暂限期性食物优惠。You support the short-period limited food premium in McDonald's.

比得,我怕我在限期内不能完成这项设计了。Peter, I'm afraid I can't finish the design before the deadline.

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我要遵守限期,除非是遇到不可预见的偶发事件或者生了病。I'll meet my deadline, barring an unforeseeable accident or illness.

我明白,可是你怎么会没有在限期内完成任务呢?I see, but how is it that you didn't finish the task by the deadline?

我可以让你走,只要你在最后限期前完成任务。I can let you go , as long as you can finish this task by the deadline.

接近最后限期时,我会报告我所有的库存。I will report back with an inventory of everything as my deadline nears.

而参议院财经委员会主席,蒙大拿州民主党参议员马克斯·包克斯已经誓言将在十月限期远未到来之前出台两党联署法案。has vowed to produce a bipartisan bill well before the October deadline.

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阁下曾热烈参与麦当劳推出的短暂限期性特别款式食物或食物配料。You support the short-period limited special flavor of food in McDonald's.

要规定他限期完成确是十分困难的。It's proving very difficult to peg him down to a definite date for completion.

就在限期快到时,我们于一九七四年十一月签署了符拉迪沃斯托克协议。We got in just under the wire with the Vladivostod agreement of November 1974.