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在胃部和胸腔之间。Mid-stomach and chest.

我的心悸动着,在我胸腔中鸣叫。My heart throbbed, singing in my chest.

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图中显示了胸腔,主动脉和心脏,并无异常结果。This is a CT-scan of thorax, aorta and heart.

重量挤压我的胸腔,压断了多条肋骨。The weight crushed my chest and broke my ribs.

它分布在胸腔横膈膜以上的部位。It is located at chest region above the diaphram.

随着吸气,抬高双臂,双腿,胸腔也向上升起。As you inhale, lift your arms, legs, and chest up.

他的胸腔不健壮使他易患冬天易患的种种疾病。His weak chest predisposes him to winter illnesses.

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我能够感觉到胸腔里肺叶的跳动。I could feel the beating of the blades in my chest.

肺间质增厚和胸腔积液。Pleural effusion and lobular interstitium thickness.

肠管可经过缺损进入胸腔。The gut will pass through the defect into the chest.

心跳很剧烈,像是有只拳头在胸腔里猛捶。The heart battered like a fist against the chest wall.

腹直肌将胸腔拉向盆腔的方向。The rectus abdominus, tethers the rib cage to the pelvis.

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船一直保持很长的船脊和船肋,好像鱼类的胸腔。Boats have long had spines and ribs like an animal's ribcage.

术后的图片显示胸腔内的腹膜假性囊肿。Pictures showing the peritoneal pseudocyst inside the thorax.

小腿胫骨和双脚向地面压。胸腔向上提。Press your shins and feet into the floor. Lift your chest up.

医生分离到了胸腔上部,他要分离血管了。Now he is down to the upper chest and he transect the vessels.

胸腔的皮肤扩张远离胸骨。Draw the skin overlying your front ribs away from your sternum.

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胸膜疾病也可能采取其他形式的胸腔“积液”。Pleural disease may also take the form of a pleural "effusion".

胸深适度,与肘部齐平,使胸腔有足够的空间。Chest moderately deep, extending to elbows allowing ample heart room.

一般内科,家庭医学科,心脏内科,胸腔内科。General Medicine, Family Medicine, Cardiology Internal, Chest Medicine.