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坦克车沿路咕隆咕隆响地行。Tanks urmbled along the road.

出动坦克车对付手无寸铁的学生。Tanks were sent in agai t unarmed students.

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一枚瞄得准的飞弹必会推毁多数的坦克车,卡车及其他设备。One well-placed miss ile would destroy most of tanks, trucks and other equipment.

可悲的是,如此明显的宣传只能使苏联坦克车组的胜利大打折扣。Sadly, such blatant propaganda simply discredited the true victory of the Soviet tankers.

六○三营的特别武器包括假的飞机、坦克车、高射炮。The special weapons of the battalion included dummy planes, tanks, and antiaircraft guns.

这意味着你的坦克车身低于脊线,只有你的炮塔被暴露。This means the hull of your tank is below the ridge line and only your turret is exposed.

经过海、空狂轰乱炸之后,这种带炮塔的两栖坦克车开始跃跃欲试。The amphibious tanks with turret-housed cannons went in in after heavy air and sea bombardment.

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他说,“坦克车是我的骄傲。每到一处,人们都会被我的坐骑迷住。”"The Kettenkrad is my pride, passers-by are absolutely fascinated by it wherever I go, " he said.

龟井恼羞成怒,跳上坦克车向着金母开了过去。Mr Kamei become angry from embarrassment, jumped into the tanks to gold mother opened in the past.

你除了要仔细观察地形外,还要猜测对方的坦克车长或驾驶员会把坦克往哪个方向开。You have to look at the terrain and guess, where the tank commander or driver will direct his vehicle.

后来他们解释说那是伊拉克坦克车长从冷却了的坦克上伸出炮塔的脑袋。Then they realised they were the heads of Iraqi Tank commanders sticking out of the turrets of cold tanks.

它们有和反坦克车辆相同的属性并能类似神风敢死队那样进行自杀攻击,在目标物附近产生巨大的爆炸。They have the same properties as anti-tank vehicles and attack like kamikaze units with a big explosion near the target.

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那辆坦克车只是充气橡胶,而六○三营隶属第二十三支司令部特别部队,这支部队的任务,是愚弄德军。The tank was inflated rubber, and the 603rd belonged to the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, whose job was to fool the Germans.

与营里的其它连队一样,我们连队的人也爬上了旅坦克团的坦克车上,我们开始按纵队向前移动。As other companies of the battalion, our company rode on the tanks of the brigade's tank regiment, which began moving forward in column.

我发现66号车和34号车也掉进了弹坑,34号车设法开了出来,但66号车的履带断了,车长跳下了坦克车。I found out that 66 and 34 had also fallen into craters, and that 34 got his tank out, but 66 had broken track, and the CO jumped tanks.

登陆艇、坦克车、补给舰,还有从这些青年士兵们手中掉落的武器都长眠在英吉利海峡的水底。On the floor of the English Channel rest landing crafts, tanks, supply ships, and weaponry that had fallen from the hands of the young troops.

波兰将士死守三天,令德军不能东进一步,还歼灭了德国十辆坦克车、几辆装甲车以及无数步兵。Yet the Poles managed to hold off the German army for three days, and took out ten tanks, a few armoured cars, and an untold number of infantrymen.

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哈里王子已经被训练成一名指挥12名士兵的坦克车指挥官。他表示希望与他的战友一起奔赴战场的远望。Harry is a tank commander trained to lead a 12-person team in four armoured reconnaissance vehicles, and has expressed his desire to serve with his men.

当局派出坦克车配合大批军警到场平乱,并开枪和发射催泪瓦斯,试图分隔冲突双方。Authorities sent police to the scene a large number of tanks with the insurgency, and shot and fired tear gas to try to separate the conflicting parties.

三年的战争遗留下2000多具尸体,时至今日当年战壕的轮廓依然清晰可见,坦克车的金属碎还散落在农村田间地头。More than 2, 000 people died in the three-year war and the outlines of trenches are still clear, with pieces of metal from tanks still littering the countryside.