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谁敢来决死战?Zhang Fei of Yan, who dares to fight with me to the death!

当时狂骂那家伙一顿帮人立即在屋内展开了一场死战。Two groups of people have launched a dying war immediately in the room.

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舍弃笨重装备,少带粮食,以激发士卒死战的决心。Abandoning armor and carrying minimal rations, this is to motivate the troops.

最后的决死战,只有一个能生存下去。The stage is set for a gruesome battle between the two nemeses, but only one can survive.

因为这些人,Fetouri说,“他们会为卡扎菲死战,应该他属于他们的部落。”For those people, says Fetouri, "they will die for Gaddafi, because he belongs to their tribe."

红蜘蛛飞回塞博坦星球,打算带着军队再回到地球一决死战。Panonychus sabotage to fly back to planet, it is intended to return to Earth with the army fighting a Daredevil.

持久治疗在有些病例中可发作胃粘膜细胞增死战萎缩性胃炎。In some cases in which the drug is long-term used, gastric mucosa cellular proliferation and atrophic gastritis occurred.

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我是为国家而战,更是为了战死在自己身边的兄弟而战,这是一种绝望的,充满男儿意气的死战,是我作为一名军人最辉煌的成就。I fight not only for my country, but for the brothers died beside me. It's a fight without hope, but full of men's spirits, and it's my great honor as a soldier.

但被击败的阴魂在头顶环绕,叛军面临残酷的抉择,要么逃亡临近埃及的边境,要么在班加西深沟高垒,死战到底。But with the specter of defeat looming, the rebels face grim choices of whether to flee to the Egyptian border or to dig in for a bloody fight to the finish in Benghazi.

凡是同伍的人临阵交锋,如有一人不向前与敌死战,则负责教练的伍长,应和犯法的人同罪。In general, when the squad of five assumes formation for battle, if one of the men does not advance to attack the enemy, his instructor will be punished as if he had committed the crime himself.

这天夜里,班超就和他同去的三十六个同伴,冲入匈奴人住所,奋力死战,用少数人力战胜了多数的匈奴人,达到了预期目的。That day night, and he and Ban Chao on to the 36 companions, into the Hun's home, struggling Sizhan, with a small number of human defeated the majority of the Huns , to achieve the expected goal.