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心中的愤恨有增无减。The resentment festered in his mind.

他们的扩张欲望有增无减。Their desire for expansion has increased.

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朋友有分有合,敌人则有增无减。Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

1993年,在潘文石的研究区域内,伐木行为有增无减。During 1993, timber cutting intensified in Pan's study area.

这一地区入室盗窃案件似有增无减。The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase.

国际盛装舞步的受欢迎程度一直以来有增无减。The growth in popularity of international dressage has been dynamic.

杰里米·法贝尔说,至今为止,各种废弃电子产品的数量有增无减。Jeremy Faber says the flow of discarded electronics is only increasing.

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当这些国家看到中国的军事更趋现代化,担忧有增无减。As these countries watch China's military modernization, they worry more.

在争论过程中,最厉害的事实谬误简直有增无减。In the course of the argument, the most enormous errors of fact simply pullulated.

诚然,两边的相互指控似有增无减.中国在非洲有何企图?Indeed, mutual recriminations seem to be on the rise. What is China up to in Africa?

日本在依赖愿意借贷又爱车的美国人方面,这些年也有增无减。And Japan's reliance on indebted, car-loving Americans has increased in recent years.

但是,大象在苏林依然有增无减,每年都有许多新生的大象。Elephants' raising in Surin, however, continues unabated, as young elephants are born every year.

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然而,现实的情形是欧洲对俄罗斯能源的依赖却是有增无减。But the ground reality continues to be that Europe's dependence on Russian energy supplies is growing.

资金开始涌入保盛丰之后,彭日成花天酒地的生活方式有增无减。Mr. Pang ratcheted up his already free-spending lifestyle after the money started pouring into PEMGroup.

在电脑中介沟通行为模式下,人际间冲突的行为更是有增无减。The interpersonal conflict has been inevitable increasing under the computer-mediated communication mode.

但批评家和环境保护组织认为,偷猎在津巴布韦依然有增无减,尤其是狩猎黑犀牛。But critics and environmental groups say poaching is still on the rise in Zimbabwe, especially of the black rhino.

这段时间里,她仍然非常热衷于写作,对悬疑推理小说的热情也是有增无减,而且她还开始考虑自己创作小说。Meanwhile eher love of writing and mysteries still flourished, and she began to think about writing her own novel.

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在这里,她的忧伤有增无减,容颜憔悴,她从山林消失了,但是,她那柔美的声音始终萦绕幽谷而不去。Here, her sorrow, pale face, she has disappeared from the mountains, but her gentle voice always walk not to haunt.

无论如何,对经济二次探底的焦虑有增无减,说明这些差强人意的经济增长数据到底不值得庆祝。In any case, growing anxiety about a double-dip recession meant the half-decent growth figures were barely celebrated.

现在含氯氟烃还存在着黑市交易。在巴西、印度和墨西哥等国家,卤烃的生产依旧有增无减。There is still a black market in CFCs, and halon production has increased in countries such as Brazil, India and Mexico.