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澳大利亚是一院制的国家。Australia is an unicameral country.

议会为一院制,由225名议员组成。The Parliament is a unicameral 225-member legislature.

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国民议会为一院制,行使立法权。A unicameral National Assembly to exercise legislative power.

一院制议会的14个席位由民众选举产生。The unicameral Congress has 14 members elected by popular vote.

立法权属于一院制的议会,即Riigikogu或国家集会,它由101个议席组成。Legislative power lies with the unicameral parliament, the Riigikogu or State Assembly, which consists of 101 seats.

摩尔多瓦的一院制议会有101个议席,议员通过每四年一次的普选产生。The unicameral Moldovan parliament, or Parlament, has 101 seats, and its members are elected by popular vote every 4 years.

阿塞拜疆国民议会实行一院制,是阿最高立法机关,由125名议员组成,任期5年。Azerbaijan introduced a unicameral National Assembly is the highest legislative body of Afghanistan by the 125-member for a term of 5 years.

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基于新的宪法,先前的两院制议会通过2005年的议会选举变成了只有75个席位的的一院制立法机构。Under the new constitution, the previously bicameral parliament became a 75-seat unicameral legislature following the 2005 parliamentary elections.

东帝汶的一院制议会是国民议会也是制宪议会,其成员由选举产生,任期五年。The unicameral Timorese parliament is the National Parliament or Parlamento Nacional, whose members are elected by popular vote to a five-year term.

新加坡是一院制,威斯敏斯特体系共和国,行政权由首相领导的部长内阁掌管。Singapore is a republic with a Westminster system of a unicameral parliamentary government, with the executive powers resting in the hands of cabinet of ministers led by a prime minister.