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浮子就是浮漂。Bobber is floating drift.

你是一个新的浮子患者?Are you a new floater sufferer?

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这个浮子在水中上下浮动。The float bobs up and down in the water.

渔夫钓鱼线上的浮子在波浪上面上下跳动。The fisherman's float bobbed on the waves.

在浮子腔接头上安装压紧联轴节。Install compression coupling in top float chamber tapping.

钓丝上的浮子在水面上下跳动。The cork on a fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.

浮子上的磁铁与弹簧开关相关联。The magnets on the float close the associated reed switches.

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这是一个基本的百力通浮子式化油器。This is the "basic" type float Briggs & Stratton carburetor.

所有的化油器都具有某种型式的贮油箱或浮子系统。All carburetors have some type of fuel reservoir or float system.

旋转整个浮子腔直到接头安装紧密为止。Swing the entire float chamber until the nipple is made up tight.

空气漏入浮子室中,会使化油器不稳定。Air leakage to the float bowl could result in imbalance of the carburetor.

与美国瓦茨AS导气罩和FV4浮子排气阀一起安装。Installed in conjunction with the Watts "AS" Air Scoop and "FV4" Floatvent.

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鱼线上的浮子正上下颤动,在水里一路一招。Piscine on-line bobber is vibrating up and down, enrol all the way in water.

要进行正确的安装,请参阅导气罩和浮子排气阀产品说明书。Refer to Air Scoop and Floatvent Instruction Sheets for proper installation.

待粥煮成,确定浮子已下沉,打开煲盖,再按任何。When Floater sinks down, open lid. Add fi sh balls and press any button to boil.

对影响环氧发泡浮子性能的因素进行了分析。The factors that affect the properties of foam floater were discussed in details.

根据计划的要求应该安装浮子恒温疏水阀。The float & thermostatic steam trap shall be installed as indicated on the plans.

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如果浮子出现直接在您的生产线的视野,尝试移动您的眼睛向上和向下。If a floater appears directly in your line of vision, try moving your eye up and down.

燃油室中的燃油量由浮子操纵的阀控制。The quantity of fuel in the storage chamber was controlled by a valve actuated by a float.

一个铝散热板可显著防止热传给浮子室。An aluminum heat-dissipating plate sticks out to prevent heat from reaching the float bowl.