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低沉的男声利于女性记忆Deep male voice helps women remember

“呼吸,”一个使人镇静的男声回答道。"Breathe," replied a soothing male voice.

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“你是伊萨贝拉·斯旺吧?”一个男声问道。"Aren't you Isabella Swan?" a male voice asked.

一个男声传入了瑶瑶和花子琪的耳朵里。A male voice incoming Yuri Huang and Hanako her ears.

以前的广播体操则是由军人般的男声播音。Former versions were led by a militant-sounding male.

人声部分从黑暗到女声再到男声歌剧咏唱等风格都有。Vocal styles range from black to female to male operatic.

“丽莎?”一个男声从一架降落的飞机附近传来。"Lisa?" said male voice near the plane that had already landed.

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快乐男声的参赛者都非常分散,但我设法避免它们。SuperBoy contestants are very distracting, but I manage to avoid them.

例如,你可以为交替使用的幻灯片分别使用男声和女声。For example, you can use a male voice and a female voice for alternate slides.

在最近披露的一段录音中,一个男声威胁要烧掉房子。In the most recently revealed recording, a man threatens to burndown the house.

然后,玫瑰是扔走上舞台,伴随着低注册男声。Then, a rose is tossed onto the stage, accompanied by a low-register male voice.

巴迪为当时全部是男声的欢乐合唱团编排了几十首民间歌曲和宗教歌曲。Barty arranged dozens of folk songs and spirituals for what was then an all-male Glee Club.

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两位男声独唱演员和男声合唱团需要极熟练地掌握歌唱技巧。Popular at festivals, it requires great mastery from its two male soloists and male chorus.

西贝柳斯创作的大部分男声合唱作品都由赫尔辛基男声合唱团委任并首演。Most of Jean Sibelius' most famous works for male choir were commissioned and premiered by YL.

芬兰现代作曲家饶塔瓦然也为赫尔辛基男声合唱团写了许多作品。Einojuhani Rautavaara is one of the contemporary composers who have dedicated many works for YL.

男声组冠军是一位40岁的西安人,女声组冠军是一位19岁的大连姑娘。Winner in group is a wide-ranging age 40, female voice xian winner in group a 19-year-old dalian girl.

他经常将女声与喇叭或单簧管混合,男声和长号或萨克斯管混合。He often combined female voices with trumpets or clarinets and male voices with trombones or saxophones.

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在声乐教学中,我们发现大部分男声是男高音,但真正唱得好的男高音却寥寥无几。In the teaching of the vocal music we find most of the male voices are tenors, but only a few can sing well.

陈翔,欢愉男声全国五强选手,欢愉男声成都唱区冠军、两次周冠军。Chen Xiang, the national top five players Happy Boys, Happy Boy singing in Chengdu district champion, two Sports News.

中音声部是指女低音或完整男声,传统声乐的英文表达为男性假声。The alto voice is the lower female or unbroken male voice, or, in traditional English vocal music, the falsetto male voice.