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我的美胸风格是啥?What is my style?

易滑的风格。Easy slip-on style.

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他的风格是古灵精怪的。His style is quaint.

用某一风格设计或者剪裁。A suit of voguish cut.

试着摹仿她的风格。Try to copy her style.

围裙趾牛津风格。Apron-toe oxford style.

这房子是旧式的风格。The house is old-style.

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高尚的风格。An elevated prose style.

我喜欢她的演唱风格。I like her singing style.

任务导向型领导风格。Task-oriented leadership.

他们都接受我的风格。They all accept my style.

我爱他的攀岩风格。I love his climbing style.

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我们常听到人们谈论风格。We hear a lot about style.

找准适当的写作风格。Write in the proper style.

风格形式会影响本旨吗?Does style affect substance?

他的风格平淡无奇。His style lacks distinction.

或者你喜欢其他的风格?Or do you like other styles?

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那些老建筑都是欧式风格。Those old buildings are all.

炸弹人风格游戏。Bomberman style playing game.

他写信的风格是文诌诌的。He writes in a bookish style.