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雪豹桌面。Snow Leopard desktop.

两者都在雪豹操作系统中得到了反映。Both are reflected in Snow Leopard.

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貔“指以雪豹为图腾的氏族。"PI"indicates totem clan of snow leopard.

雪豹搜索是一个不同的野兽。Snow Leopard's Finder is a different beast.

山地摄影机抓拍到一只野生幼年雪豹的影像。A wild baby snow leopard has been caught on camera.

如果你工作在雪豹上,为了使其运行,你需要If you are on Snow Leopard, to get it running, you need to

雪豹操作系统还将其安装空间缩减了7GB。The operating system also trims 7GB from the installation.

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顺便提一句,它要求你已事先安装了“雪豹”系统。By the way, it requires that you already have Snow Leopard.

尽管如此,总统对雪豹的下落还是十分关心。But the President was sympathetic to the plight of the leopard.

中亚雪豹正逐步步入充满风险的未来。The elusive Central Asian snow leopard steps into the risk-filled future.

该期杂志还首次拍摄到野生雪豹。The issue also features the first photographs of snow leopards in the wild.

但是,我并不认为普通电脑用户非要升级到雪豹不可。But I don't consider Snow Leopard a must-have upgrade for average consumers.

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没有大的新奇特殊功能,雪豹带来新许多小的改进。In place of the big new features, Snow Leopard brings many small improvements.

然而,第二天早晨,即3月2日,费特先生却被告知雪豹已经气绝身亡了。But the next morning, on March 2, he was informed that the snow leopard had died.

如果需要,你甚至可以在雪豹上安装QuickTime7播放器。You can even install QuickTime 7's player application on Snow Leopard if you need to.

苹果说雪豹比前身更具有抗摔性,并且只有6GB大。Apple said Snow Leopard is more crash resistant than its predecessor and is 6GB smaller.

博物学家估计,地球上还剩不到一千只雪豹。Naturalistsestimate that there are less than a thousand snow leopards left on theplanet.

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我们看到秃鹰,脘熊,雪豹,还有一直三条腿的熊。We were able to see American bald eagle, racoon , snow leopard, and a three-legged bear.

这也可以解释为什么靠近居民区的雪豹在动物园活得很好。That also explains why stay-close-to-home species like snow leopards tend to thrive in zoos.

在缺少主要新功能的情况下,雪豹带有微小改动的主机辜负了我们。And in the absence of major new features, Snow Leopard lavishes us with a host of minor ones.