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不要无理取闹,否则我告诉你的老板。Don't get fresh,or I'll tell your boss.

无理取闹,这是我许你的特权。Vexatious, this is I make your privilege.

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他被她的无理取闹激怒了。He was offended by her unreasonable quarrel.

面对我的无理取闹,你不再只是笑笑。I face the vexatious, you no longer just smile.

我的眼泪在你心里永远是无理取闹。I have tears in your heart is always vexatious.

当它们无理取闹时,狗比猫更麻烦。Cats are less of a bother than dogs when they misbehave.

对此,老公常常指责我无理取闹。To this, husband often censures my willfully make a trouble.

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我知道自己像个被宠坏的孩子一样无理取闹,但是这真的让我很恼火。I know I'm unreasonable like a spoiled child, but it bothers me.

但是如果你在家里都不能无理取闹,那我还能在哪不讲理呢?If you can't be unreasonable in your own home, where can you be?

我不会提及从前你的好,不会无理取闹也不会再打扰。I won't mention before your good, not vexatious also won't bother.

最后,你要注意把握无理取闹的话题收费。Finally, you should pay attention to the vexatious topic of charges.

我从来不迟到、从来不缺席、不违背命令、不偷懒,永不无理取闹。I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.

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为了这最后一个月的日子好过点,我还是答应了她这近乎无理取闹的要求。Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.

九珠应用本人的无理取闹权益惹楠佩费事。Nine bead application of my vexatious rights to provoke nan peja trouble.

在公共场所里无理取闹应该受到社会舆论的谴责。To create troubles in public places should BE condemned by social opinion.

而且当然,小孩也的也是这么想,是父母的无理取闹。And of course, the teens see it in exactly the same way, except oppositely.

对事实清楚无理取闹的被拆迁人严格依法裁决。On the facts clearly vexatious been taken strictly according to law ruling.

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而每次你的无理取闹我都容忍了,妥协了。And every time you make trouble out of nothing I have tolerance, compromise.

不过,如果你采取“不接受无理取闹”的态度,它就能更快地过去。But it will pass much faster if you take an attitude of "We don't do tantrums".

一个真正的朋友会用海纳百川的胸襟来包容你的无理取闹。A real friend would use Welcome to Wikipedia's mind to encompass your vexatious.