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尽管我略懂一点点音律Though I know a little about music

再让我们看看这首诗的音律。Let me go back to the sound of this work.

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作为一个翻译,当你听到这样的音律你会怎么做?What can you do with sound as interpreters?

小提琴的音律是那么华丽。The sound of the violin was just magnificent.

叶芝诗歌的音律是,也旨在达到诱惑性的目标。The sound of Yeats was, and was meant to be, seductive.

而刘炜庭院里的布置,却也抑扬顿挫,暗合音律。Liu Wei courtyards and layout, but also voice, though covertly.

讲究音律,显然是传奇艺术的特征之一。About music, is clearly one of the characteristics of the Chuanqi art.

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音乐能平息野蛮凶暴,对不通音律者却无能为力。Music has the charm to soothe a savage breast, but not the unmusical one.

但是那些令人难以忘怀的音律和曲调却没有政府那些音盲的政府。But its haunting chords and rhythms do not conquer tone-deaf bureaucracies.

围成一个大圆圈,敲打乐鼓,吸引那些寻找大力敲击音律来减压的人们。Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in pounding out rhythms.

几乎无例外,羽管键琴受历史传统的音律调音,音色、和音更加优美。Almost without exception, any harpsichord sounds better in an historic temperament.

此外,他甚至还研究了非洲卡拉哈�沙漠内地人民的音律。He has even explored the rhythms of the Bush people of the Kalahari Desert in Africa.

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手指触及向上改变音律,手指分开两边改变音符。Move your fingers up to change the speed and spread your fingers apart to change the notes.

他创造性的利用了循复的音律使他的诗作中产生出一种具有魄力的模糊性质。His creativity uses a repetitive rythem and that makes a very powerful indistinct character.

我觉得“看“是重音,这是第一个音律不规则的地方。I think that word "see" deserves the accent there, and so it's--the first unit of sound isn't quite normative.

其实只是一些冥想的技巧,据我所知,佛教认为一切音律,都从属一个范围更广的咒语。It's just a little meditation technique, I know that I heard all music as a part of a larger mantra in Buddhism.

唱诵类短诗在英诗中为数甚多,其节奏明快,意象突出,音律所占诗意比重高。Sprightly in rhythm and remarkable in image, easy-to-read poems take a larger proportion in English poetry realm.

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整套编钟音律准确,音色优美,音域宽广,它在地下埋藏了2,000多年,今天依然能用它来演奏音乐。The chimes have a beautiful timber and wide range, and can still be played after being buried for over 2,000 years.

然而,当我们去注意霍斯曼这首诗的音律模式,我们会看到并听见他希望强调的地方。However, as we pay attention to the sound pattern of Housman's poem, we see and hear the places he wishes to emphasize.

这一时期戏曲史学、戏曲美学、戏曲音律学的研究都取得了引人瞩目的进展。During this period of history operas, drama aesthetics, drama temperament science studies have made remarkable progress.