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坎肩在哪里?在我的车里。Where is the vest?In my van.

小提琴在哪里?在我的坎肩上。Where is the violin?On my vest.

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她把带着手套的小小的手放在她露在坎肩外的大腿上。One small gloved hand lay on her lap outside the shawl.

我们要采购围巾,女用坎肩,海滩裙和装扮,披肩。We want to buy Scarves, Stoles, Pareos and Made-Ups, Shawls.

她这个坎肩是软羊皮的,特别暖和。Her sleeveless jacket is made of soft sheepskin and is very warm.

花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣。It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.

塔吉克人喜穿坎肩,长裙,马靴。The Tajik people wear sleeveless jackets, log skirts and riding boots.

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她一直在看我,然后不停地跟她旁边的红坎肩儿男生嘀嘀咕咕。She keeps looking at me and whispering to the red vested guy next to her.

磨破的羊绒衫可以改成时尚的一羊绒坎肩。The frayed cashmere sweaters can be changed into fashionable cashmere waistcoats.

他穿了一件鲜红的坎肩,说话全没忌讳。He wore a scarlet waistcoat, and indulged in the sort of words which break everything.

女子喜穿长及脚面的旗装,或外罩坎肩。Women like to wear women's flag mounted and foot long flag mounted, waistcoat or jacket.

河岸上站着一个束鹿皮坎肩的、红头巾的小女孩。On the banks stood a girl wearing a sleeveless deerskin jacket, a red scarf tied round her head.

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每个妇女都喜欢在肩上披着美丽的坎肩,腰上围着色彩鲜艳的围裙。Each woman enjoys having a beautiful shawl over her shoulders and a colorful apron around her waist.

我们要采购垫子,固定传布,女用坎肩,纱丽服,织物和家具计算家庭的家具。We want to buy Cushion, Bed Spreads, Stoles , Sarees, Fabrics and Furnishing Items Home Furnishings.

有的设计师在大衣和坎肩都醒目地饰以奢侈的皮毛,有的设计师则只是将皮毛作为装饰点缀在衣服上。Coats and shrugs featured bold lavish furs while some designers used fur as trimming to spruce up their looks.

我们要采购披肩,围巾,女用坎肩,海滩裙和装扮,是,亚麻桌布,枕头,围巾,女用坎肩。We want to buy Shawls, Scarves, Stoles , Pareos and Made-Ups, Be, Table Linen, Throws, Pillows, Scarves, Stoles.

这时候太阳好,我还要带了绒线去替你结羊毛坎肩,跟她商量什么样子呢。Now the sun's nice. I want to take some yarn along to knit a wool vest for you and discuss with her how it should be.

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比赛时,男运动员要穿上浆领子的衬衣和坎肩,女运动员要穿裙子甚至还要戴帽子。Competition, male athletes to wear the shirt collar and sizing Kanjian, female athletes wear skirts and even wear a hat.

看得出它们是中国的纯丝绸而且颜色也很好看,我想买块做个中国的坎肩儿。We can see they are all pure Chinese silk and the colours are brilliant. Now I want to make a Chinese sleeveless jacket.

我又让人照原样做了一件,领子、翻边袖口也和原来这件一模一样,还配了黄坎肩和黄裤子。But I have ordered a new one, precisely similar, even to the collar and sleeves, as well as a new waistcoat and pantaloons.