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我经常听说有人临盆过程很短。I always hear about women who have really short labors.

对比一下外贸在线交易平台所有产品在整个临盆经过中得经历五道质检关。All products haudio-videoe to go through five checks in the whole process.

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我经常听说有人临盆过程很短。她们是怎么做到的?I always hear about women who have really short labors. How common are they?

花拉临盆在即,与漫姿一起到商场购买婴儿用品。Flowers pull labor, with diffuse appearance to the stores to buy baby products.

临盆的征兆包括薄膜的破裂和有规律的收缩。Signs of imminent labor include the rupture of membranes and regular contractions.

临盆时,田立新却被警察带走,罪名是盗窃。Parturient when, tian Lixin is taken away by the police however, accusation is theft.

学生们总是在诺艾尔“临盆”时将她团团围住,他们轮流监控她的身体反应并轮流将“小宝宝”从她的体内抽出来。They take turns at monitoring her vital signs and at pulling the "baby" out of her body.

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留置针还使得在临盆中需要增加催产素时便于管理。The IV also allows for easier administration of Pitocin should labor need to be augmented.

几百万只临盆的雌蟹带来繁殖的高潮,要在潮涨到最高之前移栖海边。It culminates in millions of expectant mothers reaching the sea on the eve of the highest tide.

当我临盆时,一旦住院,马上就要放静脉留置针,是真的吗?Is it true that I’ll be hooked up to an IV as soon as I’m admitted into the hospital when I’m in labor?

即将临盆的布兰妮,据说已经选定在亚利桑那州一所医院生产。Be about to parturient cloth orchid Ni, allegedly already make choice of in Arizona city a hospital is produced.

在美国密西根州一个冰天雪地的冬日,有个即将临盆的妇女在被送往医院的途中发生了意外。On a cold winter day in Michigan, a woman in labor was being rushed to the hospital when the unthinkable happened.

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我感觉感情充沛而词汇贫乏,如临盆的产妇一样难受,同时另一种情绪是低沉的忧伤。I feel emotional and lack of vocabulary, such as the production of maternal as bad, while another emotion is deep blue.

阿必是一只顽皮及不负责任的小驴,是由约瑟特别购买来接载他的妻子玛莉亚前往伯利恒临盆之用。Abib a naughty irresponsible donkey, is purchased by Joseph to transport his wife, Mary, to Bethlehem his birth of the baby.

临盆并没有困难,及等那新生的孩子呱的一声叫出来,珍妮当即对她发生一种非常的热爱。There was no difficulty, and at the first cry of the new-born infant there awakened in Jennie a tremendous yearning toward it.

辽宁省是我国主要的制作业工业基地,为临盆性办事业的成长供给了很好的需求支撑。Liaoning province is the main manufacturing industrial base in China, provide a good support for the demand of producer services growth.

医生注意到这位即将临盆的女孩被带往代顿一家医院生产时,身上有明显被虐待过的痕迹。Doctors noticed the heavily pregnant girl showed clear signs of physical abuse when she was brought into a hospital in Dayton to give birth.

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在伦敦教学医院的一家生产中心,总共有2,426位即将临盆的女性被随机分派接受轻食或是仅提供水分。At a birth center in a London teaching hospital , 2426 participants at term were randomly assigned to receive a light diet or water during labor.

一旦你的宫缩全速展开,催产素将被停用或者减少剂量,然后你的临盆会和无诱发的临产一样进程。Once your contractions are in full swing, the oxytocin may be stopped or the dose decreased, and your labor should progress just as a noninduced labor does.

死怕出有谁对大多半好邦己的夜常死死影响能赶过汽车临盆的先驱亨利。祸特。Probabdominwis exercisesly no man hposting more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied Stgots than did Henry Ford a pioneer in car or truck production.