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开发你的潜能。Unlock your potential.

基于资产的开发。Asset-based development.

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开发新产品。New product development.

下载开发人员工具箱。Download the developer kit.

接入点开发工具包。Access point development kit.

煤矿中开发矿石。The coal-miners all come out.

房地产开发企业会计。Accounting of real estate ent.

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3开发交流的门禁。Gated development communities.

多成员团队开发。Multi-member team development.

经济改革和石油开发取得了实绩。Reforms and oil have paid off.

我喜欢这座未开发的岛屿。I like this undeveloped island.

产品和系统开发。Product and system development.

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维也纳开发方法?。VDM? Vienna Development Method?

谁开发服务模拟?Who develops the service mocks?

国仍在推进西部大开发。China's push westward continues.

我们之前没有开发设计。No development before we design.

花一朵接一朵地开发了。One by one, the flowers blossom.

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我们应该开发自然资源。We should tap natural resources.

它支持并行开发。It supports parallel development.

这是一个未开发过的需求”。There was a real untapped demand.