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人工鱼礁增殖技术中有好多急待解决的问题。There are a lot of problems to solve.

结论IP是有一定增殖活性的良性肿瘤。Conclusion IP is a proliferous benign tumor.

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利息从月初开始自然增殖。Interest accrue from the begin of the month.

价格是每晚二十五镑每晚,含增殖税。The price is twenty-five pounds a night, plus VAT.

这种贫血的铁贮量正常,骨髓表现为增殖型。Active hyperplasia could be seen in the bone marrow.

使用地沟油的增殖比例远远超出了标准!Using gutter oil, breeding ratios are off the charts!


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它有大量的小血管,增殖迅速。It has many little blood vessel, proliferous and rapid.

这种几近坠落乃至混沌的运行状态确保了生命的增殖。This almost-falling into chaos keeps life proliferating.

增殖过程中BAP起主要作用。BAP is the mostly important factor in the multiplication.

快堆可以设计成增殖堆,也可设计成烧锕或烧钚的燃烧堆。A fast reactor could be designed as a breed or as a burner.

他们首次引入了轻量3D格式增殖的概念。They pioneered the idea of lightweight 3D format’s proliferation.

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在胚胎发育过程中,细胞会发生增殖,然后器官形成。During development of an embryo, cells proliferate and organs grow.

物理学家把这种现实世界的增殖称作“永恒暴胀”。Physicists call this multiplication of reality “eternal inflation.”

MOX燃料在国外已成功应用于轻水堆和快中子增殖堆中。The MOX fuel has been successfully applicated in the LWRs and FBRs.

有大量的增殖性巨大微血管横列在这些组织之间。A large number of proliferating macrocapillaries coursed among them.

至第六代,细胞已失去增殖能力。Up to the sixth passage, the cells lost their proliferation ability.

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抑制PVR的关键就是抑制RPE细胞的增殖。The key point of blocking PVR is inhibiting the proliferation of RPE.

它的增殖能形成索带,引导轴突生长。The line they form during proliferation conducts the growth of axons.

目前我们所做的是改变我们使用抗增殖剂的方法。What we've done so far is change the way we apply antiproliferatives.