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第三产业和非公有制经济快速增长。Tertiary industry and private economies are growing rapidly.

第三产业是沙溪经济的重要组成部分。The tertiary industry is an important part of Shaxi Economy.

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从贸易角度来说,是第三产业,发展最迅速。On the trade side, service sector is the one which has been booming the most.

假日经济是第三产业经济的重要组成部分。Holiday economy is the important constituent parts of the third estate economy.

印度在第三产业和受教育劳力方面,印度是技术密集型?,-技术密集型。It's more at service sector, educated manpower skill-intensive? -skill-intensive.

深圳经济的特色是高技术产业、金融业和第三产业。It has an economy featuring high-tech industries, finance and tertiary industries.

自从政府投资增多了,第三产业便兴旺发达起来。Since then government poured more money in,the whole tertiary industry has flourished.

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深圳经济的特色是高技术产业、金融业和第三产业。Shenzhen has an economy featuring high-tech industries, finance and tertiary industries.

博时第三产业成长股票证券投资基金更新招募说明书。Bo at the tertiary industry growth stock investment funds to update placement prospectuses.

而到了工业化的后期,第三产业迅速发展,吸收了更多的劳动力就业。By the late industrialization, rapid development of tertiary industry, absorbing more of the labor force.

中国正在加快经济结构调整,高新技术产业和第三产业发展是战略重点。As China accelerates its economic restructuring, high-tech and tertiary industries are strategic priorities.

体育产业是第三产业的一个子行业,体育产业具有明显不同的产业特征和要求相应的产业运营机制。Sports industry is a sub-industry of the third industry, which has different characters and developing rule.

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大力发展第三产业中新生基础产业和现代知识型服务业。Actively develop new-born basic industries and modern knowledge-style service industry among tertiary industries.

其第三产业开始高速发展,最后连第二产业,也蓬勃发展起来。And the service sector economy in India is booming and finally even the industry sector has done a little better.

殷实的民资、旺盛的消费、开放的心态,为第三产业发展孕育了肥沃的土壤。The buoyant civil capital, vigorous consumption and open mind have nurtured a fertile soil for tertiary industry.

在第三产业方面,休闲渔业和水产品物流业刚刚起步,但是观赏鱼产业却得到快速发展。However, the recreational fisheries develop very quickly and the logistics of fisheries are just making a beginning.

“土地流转”政策可以把奶农从高强度、低收益的体力劳动中解放出来,使他们投身第三产业。Land Circulation Policy can liberate dairy farmers from inefficient and profitless manual labor to tertiary industry.

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关中地区及各城市的结构增长贡献率的大小依次是第三产业、第二产业、第一产业。The contribution order of structural growth in Guanzhong Area and the cities is the third, secondary, first industry.

流通业是国民经济的重要组成部分,也是第三产业的支柱产业。Circulation industry is an important component of national economy and is the pillar industry of the tertiary industry.

第三产业内部结构优化,主要包括产业结构合理化和高度化两方面内容。The internal structural optimization in the tertiary industry contains rationalizing and upgrading industrial structures.