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他试图向我兜售一台次品收音机。He tried to stick me with a bad radio.

他会鞠躬,然后给他们一个次品。He is going to bow and give them a quicky.

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美国产品比起日本的,是次品来着。American products are inferior to Japanese.

这样的话,我们能不能把同样的原则也应用于轻度次品?So shall we apply the same principle to the minor defects?

他的手工做的毛毛糙糙,用的材料也是次品。He resorted to poor workmanship and used interior materials.

而且这些克隆可能被视为劣等或次品,使他们更加不幸。And clones might be treated as inferiors, rendering them unhappy.

从长远的观点来看,买精美的东西比买次品要好。In the long run, it's better to buy a well-finished article than shoddy one.

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他们没能阻止少数次品得以混过。They are unable to prevent a small number of defective parts slipping through.

从长远的观点看,买做工精细的商品要比买次品好。In the long run, it is better to buy a well-finished article than a shoddy one.

我方订购的是大路货,而你方运来的却是次品。The goods we ordered are of average quality, but you sent us inferior merchandise.

本店羊毛衫展销,全为名牌,绝无次品。All woollen sweaters in this cardigan show are famous Brands, and no. defective goods.

如你方运来次品,我们将保留索赔权。If you shall send us inferior merchandise, we'll reserve the right to claim for osseous.

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这里曾是曾经的次品之源,如今却让我们有机会在此一瞥未来世界。What was once known as the land of cheap rip-offs may now offer a glimpse at the future.

对于诗我读得不多,要读的时候,我总是宁可选择过去的佳作而不要当代的次品。Of poetry I do not read much and when I do I choose the dead lion in preference to the live dog.

设计了一种全新的次品啤酒启盖回收机。A brand new bottle cap-opening recycle machine for inferior beer products was designed successfully.

如果你们也寄给我们库存和次品布料的价格表,我们将非常感谢。We should be grateful if you also send us the price list of the leftover and second quality fabrics.

他们开车的时候,连方向灯都懒得打,难怪宝马车都用次品的灯做方向灯。That is a brand of vehicles that comes with faulty turn signal bulbs, because very few BMW drivers use them.

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其实首版还有很多细节值得您去关注,比如包装都是经过筛选,印刷不良的次品一律废弃。There are also many details should be care, the package is selected strictly and without any quality problems.

熔模铸造中经常出现毛刺缺陷,是造成铸件次品的重要原因。Burr defect often appears on the surface of investment casting and it is the main reason causing inferior produces.

巡检中发现不合格品,少量的直接放到红色的次品筐内。If a small quantity of rejects are found during patrol inspection, they will be directly put in the red inferior basket.