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朝阳暖融融地照在我们脸上。Our faces warm in the early sun.

太阳把大地照得暖融融的。The sun warmed up the earth nicely.

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壁炉里燃烧着暖融融的炉火。A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace.

这次活动真的很开心,沐浴着暖融融的阳光。The event was really happy, nice and warm sun bathed.

走进福特南和梅森商店暖融融的茶室。Come into the warmth of the Fortnum and Mason tearoom.

在刺骨的寒风中她有暖融融的大衣真是谢天谢地。She was very glad of her warm coat in the biting wind.

她微笑着轻声问道,内心感到暖融融的。She gently asked, smiling as her heart began to fill with warmth.

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愿情人节带给我们丘比特之爱和暖融融的浪漫。May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance.

你是否感觉到暖融融的春风吹到你身上,像是有人在抚摸你?Do you feel nice and warm spring breeze blowing on your body, such as someone touching you?

想要什么,就有什么,暖融融的炭火,连晚餐都备好了。And in it everything a body could desire, including cosy coal fire and supper standing ready.

然后他才转身面对暖融融的太阳,捡起水管,继续给花浇水。Then he turned toward the warm giving sun, picked up his hose, and went on with his watering.

在一个破旧的头盔,头盔带持有耳盖了下来,保持头部暖融融的。Worn under a helmet, the helmet strap holds the ear flaps down, keeping the head nice and warm.

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秋天是北京最美的季节,每天都暖融融的,充满阳光,我们正筹划下星期天出去郊游呢。Autumn is the best season in Beijing.The days are warm and sunny.We are planning an outing for next Sunday.

安然呆在暖融融的屋子里,听着外头的风声和雨点敲打窗户的声音,感觉真是妙不可言。It’s lovely to be warm and safe, listening to the sound of the wind and the rain beating against the windows.

炉火暖融融的,育儿室里半明半暗地点着三盏夜灯。The fire was warm, however, and the nursery dimly lit by three night-lights, and presently the sewing lay on Mrs.

那一尘不染的土地,葱翠的树木,清新的空气,和煦的阳光,使我置身于一片暖融融的氛围之中。The spotless land, green trees, fresh air, the warm sun, make me in a piece of warm happy and harmonious atmosphere.

一次出了趟长差,从暖融融的南国归来,北京已经大雪纷飞。Gave time of lasting difference, from warm happy and harmonious austral return, beijing already heavy snow flies violently.

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我家的房子是她的,她照料了一切。冬季里,家里暖融融地,其实我们用来取暖的是一个有已经40年历史的管道油炉。She owned and took care of our house, practically nursing the forty-year-old pipes and oil furnace to keep us warm throughout the cold winters.

几缕阳光透过枝丫暖融融地搭在地上,虽是入冬的季节,四周却弥漫着一种静谧和温馨。Streaks of the sun through the branches to take the floor nice and warm, though it is winter season, but filled with a quiet surrounding and warm.

他俩都尽量往火炉口靠近。红色的火焰在炉子里熊熊燃烧,整个小木屋都暖融融的。She sat closer to Vanya, her brother, and they were both as near as they could get to the door of the stove, where they could see the red fire burning busily, keeping the whole hut warm.