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我家在麻涌。I live in Machong.

我家住在飞云。I live in Feiyun town.

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我家房子盖了有20年了。My house is 20 rs old.

我家的全家照。A picture of my family.

他大摇大摆地进了我家。He walks into my house.

我家住在萝莎路56号。I live on 56 Rosa Road.

这是我家的一张旧的全家照。It's an old of my family.

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我家相当穷。My family is pretty poor.

我家的电视是个便宜货。Our TV is just a cheapie.

愿主保祐我家门通往爱与喜乐。Ever open to joy and love.

我家的母牛又怀胎了。Our cow is carrying again.

你随时都可以到我家来作客。Visit us whenever you can.

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他家就在我家对面。His house is opposite mine.

能否到我家坐客?Can Declan come to visit me?

我家将这个地方选择为车里。For my family, it’s the car.

最近带着我家小孩看新白。I don't want to see the boy!

我家厨房的排气扇坏了。My kitchen fan doesn't work.

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要不去我家坐坐?What about going to my home?

我家房子被强拆!My house quilt toll breakdown!

明天把她带到我家来。Bring her to my house tomorrow.