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她搜索枯肠来嘲笑我了。She racked her poor brains to have the laugh on me.

我搜索枯肠寻找一个恰当的字不得,决定查字典。After fishing for right word, I decided to look in the dictionary.

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我们得搜索枯肠想出一些卓有成效的措施。We'll have to rack our brain and think of some effective measures.

他们又沉默无语,两人都在搜索枯肠,想找到适当的话语。Once more there was silence between them, each one searching for words.

高孚利先生搜索枯肠,终于想出一种新的说法。Mr. Godfrey made an effort, and came out with a new version of the affair.

学生在写作时,常常搜索枯肠、冥思苦想,很苦恼。Student when writing, racks brains frequently, ponders diligently, is very worried.

他已经搜索枯肠了,可是仍未找到答题的谜底。He had racked his brain, but hadnrt been able to work out the answer to the problem.

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我搜索枯肠,本来会消除他所说的那些话,使他哑口无言的。I searched for a word, a sentence that would erase what he had said and strike him dumb.

朱丽娅埋头在课桌上,舌头微微伸出,正在搜索枯肠做作文。Julia was bending over a desk, her tongue protruding slightly, absorbed in the agonies of composition.

比如说,他总是以另一种说法说出来的,称那为‘到达了终点,’因为他不喜欢说大话,或者为他做的事,搜索枯肠加以美化。He would have put it differently, called it ‘reaching the end of the line, ’ for example, because he didn’t like big words, or, for that matter, words.

于是我微笑、点头,像日本人似地弯腰鞠躬,搜索枯肠想找些话来说,尽量做到得体,让客人觉得我确实欢迎他们再来。So I would smile and nod, bowing like a Japanese and groping frantically for words that would smooth over the visitors' leaving and make them feel they would be welcome to come again.