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我们毫不迟疑地开始进行任务A2。We start on Task A2 without delay.

我毫不迟疑地承认了。I did not hesitate to make the admission.

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她毫不迟疑,她只是开怀大笑。No hesitation at all, just her wide smile.

他毫不迟疑的接受了这个工作。He accepted the job offer without hesitation.

狗毫不迟疑地喜爱训练,而且喜欢在家捣乱。Dogs readily take to training and can be easily housebroken.

消费者毫不迟疑地表达出他们的担心。Consumers have had no qualms about expressing their concerns.

“我仍是个学生,我将永远是个学生,”他毫不迟疑的承认。I will always be a student, " he admitted, without hesitance."

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他毫不迟疑地进行了文字系数项的相减。He did not hesitate to subtract terms with literal coefficients.

毫不迟疑的,这有5个旅行必须在你说“我愿意”之前去做。Here, without further ado, are 5 trips to do before you say ‘I do’.

悲痛欲绝的皇帝毫不迟疑地答应实现她的这些愿望。These wishes the grief-stricken emperor readily promised to fulfill.

这需要作出强硬决定,但他毫不迟疑地做到了。This required tough decisions, but he did not hesitate to make them.

身后的一扇门毫不迟疑地关闭了,那是你用力一甩的结果。In the rearward, there is a door was closed without mercy because you forcibly close it.

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在他还被蒙着眼,感觉非常晕眩的时候,他可以毫不迟疑地指出地理方向。Still blindfolded and dizzy, he pointed without hesitation at the geographic directions.

当蕾奥诺拉邀请我和我先生去俄罗斯拜访她时,我们毫不迟疑地答应了。When Leonora invited my husband and me to visit her in Russia, we jumped at the opportunity.

如果家中有人非常危险,请毫不迟疑地拨打911。And don't hesitate to dial 911 if you think you or another family member is in immediate danger.

在这些场合下,中国官员会毫不迟疑地结合它的软实力和一些其它力量。In these venues, Chinese officials have not hesitated to combine soft power with a bit of muscle.

但我将不会毫不迟疑地设立或者强制执行常识性的保护性规则,以保护美国人民。But I will not hesitate to create or enforce commonsense safeguards to protect the American people.

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沃格林的追随者们会毫不迟疑的接受这种对秩序的崇拜并且极端的拒绝异议者。Voegelinians do not hesitate to take this fetish for order and rejection of dissidence to its extreme.

当你的朋友的衬裙露出来时,应当毫不迟疑地告诉她,她将会对你的提醒表示感激。Do not hesitate to tell your friend her petticoat is showing. She will thank your for your information.

艾丝特拉的声音不像之前那么高亢了,但他还是毫不迟疑的照做了,只是仍旧埋首紧闭双眼。Estra's voice was not as sharp as before, but he obeyed just the same, eyes still closed and face hidden.