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俺从不写错字,但俺写通假字。I never write wrong character, but I write loan characters.

20世纪以来,关于两汉的通假字现象,人们曾经做过不少研究。Lots of research has been made on characters and diction of that period since 20th century.

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通假字、古今字、异体字,从理论上来说,应该是三个互不包容的术语。The three terms, interchangeable words, ancient and modern words, and variants should be uncontradictory.

同源字和通假字是从不同角度对汉字分类而产生的类别,它们大量地交叉在一起。Etymological words and borrowed words are among categories of Chinese characters from different perspectives.

作为文字学意义上的异文,主要是指通假字和异体字。Variants in the sense of philology mainly refer to characters capable of replacing each other or variants of Chinese characters.

不明通假往往造成误删、误改、误点、误译、误点复误译、滥用等方面的问题。Ignoring of the interchangeable words often engenders many problems, such as wrong bowdlerization, wrong punctuation, wrong translation.

这些现象启示我们,通假字研究与古籍整理有着密切的联系,通假字是古籍整理中值得花大力气研究的课题。Such phenomena show us the great importance of carrying out research on the interchangeable words with relation to ancient book collation.

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通假,是我国古文中特殊的用字现象,大量通假字的出现给我们阅读古文带来了诸多不便。False Words are the specific phenomena in Classical literatures, it is inconvenience for us to read books because of plenty of false words.

同源字和通假字是从不同角度对汉字分类而产生的类别,它们大量地交叉在一起。Etymological words and borrowed words are among categories of Chinese characters from different perspectives. They often intersect together.

以举例的方式,对书中将古今字与同义词误作通假字的情况进行了分析并予以补正。Examples are cited to illustrate the cases where synonyms and ancient-modern Chinese characters are mistaken for interchangeable Chinese characters.

若从多学科角度来论证蜍兔之变的通假说,便会对其合理性产生怀疑。If the interchangeable theory of the shift of toad to rabbit is expounded and proved in the light of multiple branches of learning, doubt will be raised about its rationality.

古今字与通假字是两种不同的用字现象,但由于中学语文教材把二者混为一谈,不加区分,所以长期影响人们的视听,特别是对大学古代汉语课的教学造成相当的困难。The old-new word is different from the borrow word. But the books of middle school have been mixing them and it brings many difficulties to our teaching of the Ancient Chinese.

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文言文知识是复杂而深奥的,了解古今字与通假字的有关知识,分清初中课本中的古今字与通假字,对将来进入高一级学校及其今后的学习有极大帮助。The knowledge about the words in classical Chinese is complicated and abstruse, in Junior Chinese book the same word has different meanings between the classical Chinese and Todays.

以列举的方式具体分析了书中将同义词、古今字、假借字等误作通假字及本借字互倒的情况,认为其有进一步补正和完善之必要。Examples are cited to demonstrate that some synonyms , heteronyms and borrowed words are taken wrongly for interchangeable characters. All these need further correction and improvement.

既作“说”,可以理解为通假字,“说”通“悦”更为恰当,“无论生死离合,我们两情相悦”。"only to" say ", can be understood as interchangeable characters, " said "pass" pleasure "is more appropriate, " regardless of life and death clutch, we compared the two conditions Yue ".

文中商榷关于中学语文课本上所注释的古今字和通假字的一些问题。This article discusses about the junior and senior middle school language textbook in the annotation ancient and modern character and interchangeable uses and borrowed uses character some questions.

敦煌变文中有一种特殊通假,即用“以”、“亦”、“意”等字替代“一”字,这种异乎寻常的通假,表明了一种特殊的语音变化,而这种变化又与语法功能有著一定的联系。There exists a kind of extraordinary interchangeability in the Dunhuang narrative literature, indicating a kind of special phonetic transformation which has certain relation with the grammar function.