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最终他们同意将我列为原作的合著者。Finally agreed on co-authorship.

这本书是从原作删略而成的。It was abridged from to original work.

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拙劣的译本将原作删改得支离破碎。Bad translation mutilates the original work.

他关于蓝调的论文可是货真价实的原作。His thesis on the orgin of blues is original.

这本书是从原作删略而成的。This book is abridged from the original work.

翻拍相比于原作总会少些什么。Each remake loses something from the original.

他的画是与原作丝毫不差的临摹作品。His painting is an exact copy of the original.

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她得到了凡高的一幅原作。She acquired an original painting by van gogh.

一个记号把原作和复制品区分开。A mark discriminates the original from the copy.

原作属于画家本人。The originals belong to the illustrators themselves.

这是1889年的两极真空管,是原作。This is a Fleming diode from 1889, if it's original.

翰墨及原作档案均附呈。Both calligraphy and original works files are attached.

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一档案附呈,此档案亦包含英文原作。One file attached. It also contains the English original.

这画是原作,其他的是复制品。This is the original painting, and these others are copies.

这件衣服是直接抄袭设计者原作而做的。The clothes were copycatted straight from designer originals.

这是一个使原作与复制品有区别的标志。This is a mark that discriminates the original from the copy.

以美术品原作为依据,进行科学的复原制作。To art as a basis, undertake scientific restoration productions.

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戈登的绘画简直像是原作的翻版。Gordon's painting was an almost perfect facsimile of the original.

以下照片均为原作拍摄,均可下定单。Follow photos are taken from original work, could be set order too.

假如想达到最佳效果,你就无可避免地要对原作进行改动。If you aim for the best, you cannot avoid changing the original work.